Hi guys

I want to share with you my Tommy Gun wich im currently working. i mixed a Tommy Gun with a Scar. little things are still missing but when im done with the concept i will create this baby in 3d

Please give me some feedback and thanks for looking

I like the stuff man. I really want to see the 3d.
@Selznog, i know what you mean but the front grip of the original tommy gun has the same angle as the back grip. maybe i will change a little bit the shape of the front grip
thx for the feedback
here the new version and a second pic with some ideas
Please give me some feedback and thanks for looking
thx ^^
mister, you have tottaly right...thx
ok so the cocking handle is on the left side and the bullet ejcet on right? is that correct?
I think the drum magazine is way too small. What kind of round is it firing? Bullet + cartridge + some kind of mechanism has to fit in there. Eject port's in the right place (above the magazine) but again, it's too small. And the barrel length is pretty tiny, the whole gun is fairly confusing in terms of scale. How does the firer hold the fore-grip without the drum magazine obstructing his grip? How does the firer use the stock? What function does all of that space on the receiver behind the eject port do? Is it just a slab of metal?
What I would do to keep the compact, PDW look you have, is haul the magazine, grip, and eject port way back along the body of the gun. Attatch them back where the stock meets the receiver. This will make a lot more ergonomic sense and it will nearly double the barrel length. Also consider mounting the scope a little farther back and higher up.
Try to think more about how guns are put together!
My other concern is that the FN SCAR fires a 5.56x45mm, whereas the Thompson fires a .45 ACP. Which are two very different caliber rounds. What would this gun fire? The SCAR is classified as an "Assault Rifle" and the Thompson as a "Sub-machine gun". They are two different weapons for two different roles. Combining them doesn't make sense to me.
Why does your gun have a drum magazine? It would make sense to me if it was a weapon meant for a support role (Such as an RPK) but if this is an assault rifle it would just get in the way. My point is, what is the intended role of your weapon?
- D. Carmine
P.S. You should have a compensator on the barrel of your gun to avoid muzzle climb.
Hey guys,
sorry for the late update, but there were somer other projects for school and work. i fixed the stock and the scaling problem. i hope its ok now
Take a look and give me some feedback
mfg Greenmutze
Greenmutze: interesting take on modern tommy gun. but rite now it looks a bit futuristic instead of modern, might be the yellow thats throwing it off. not a fan of the trigger redesign, but thats just my opinion.