Hi all!
Thought I'd share the end result of an animation that I show how to create on an Eat3D DVD, that was released today. More info on that here:
BEHOLD ZE VIDEO! Hope you enjoy

(The vimeo embedding refuses to work for some reason, so here is a direct link:
I created it using OptiTrack mocap system, MotionBuilder, and Maya (for setting up bones/skinning, and finally got it into UDK. I recored the mocap material separately, you can see the different raw mocap recordings here:
(The vimeo embedding refuses to work for some reason, so here is a direct link:
I used this data and blended them together through some neat tools in MotionBuilder, and them re-timed it to get the characters moves to match (they were HORRIBLY out of sync at first) and then tweaked it to the end result that you can see in the video.
In the DVD, I go through each step how to take use of the marker data from the mocap recording, setting up everything in motionbuilder and going through workflow/pipe in motionbuilder and then how to get everything into UDK to set it up like in the video.
Crits etc are welcome ofc! Hope you like it!

I really enjoyed the tut