So my first time doing a tree right out of zbrush using, what's the best way to get it out of zbrush and retopologized down to 6000 polys?
UV wise should I let zbrush do it automatically, do it myself within zbrush, or after getting the low poly unwrap in max/maya???
Pic wise, the left is at 300k and the right about 3.5 mill

There's no point UVing your object if you're going to retopo it. The UVs will go with your old geometry, so you'd just be wasting your time make a UV layout before finalising your geo. For low poly, I'd use Maya (or max) to UV. ZBrush's UVing tools don't really have the control you'll want for a nice efficient layout suitable for a game.
thanks...this seems much quicker than max/maya
Give it a try