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Zbrush subd level import

Hey guys,

So I sculpted something in zbrush that ended up with no subdivision levels because I used dynamesh at one point. But I exported it into topogun to retopologize. What I'm trying to do is render my texture out but for that I need to import the retopo'ed mesh as a new subdivision level (lowest) on the high poly sculpt. How do I do with magic?



  • pior
    Offline / Send Message
    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Import low as tool,
    subdivide a few times,
    Import high as tool,
    append to low as subtool,
    project all with the low selected,
    delete the high subtool,

    Hope this helps :)
  • Talbot
    So this was brilliant. But I have one problem and that is that my high has a rock path in it and the rocks were merged subtools so when I project all.. I think it gets confused and snaps to the ground that is going through the rocks.

    EDIT: Nevermind I fixed it. It was the distance setting on project all.

    Thanks Pior!
  • pior
    Offline / Send Message
    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Anytime! ProjectAll is really super powerful in the recent Zbrush releases. It fixes everything! Hehe.
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