Home Full time/Part time work

2D artist/animator at Excalisoft

We are small independent developer called Excalisoft and are currently working on a 2D MMORPG project (grown out of an hobby), though with our growing ambitions we find ourselves lacking hands in the art department.

We are looking for an artist to help create assets/animations for our game on a regular basis so we can keep up production (for a fixed amount a month). The art style is best defined as top-down painted "cartoonish/anime" with colorful/bright shading, screenshots below.

Although the project is already running as open alpha, there is still a lot of work to be done.
As the budget is a bit tight, we are looking for an artist willing to make steady contributions for around € 500 a month (We will have to discuss which and how many days of work).

The work will consist out of:
* Design & creation of assets for the game world.
* Mapping, placing made world art on the map
* Animation, creating new 4 framed 4 directional sprite sets and loose gear layers (for player characters)
Work can be done from Home or at our office in The Netherlands. We do require time logging, for which we have a system (redmine).

Joining the project as part of a learning experience is also possible.

Project info:
Name: Sagramore
Genre: Fantasy
Type: (M)MORPG
Description: Sagramore is a 2D realtime web (M)MORPG that takes place in the world of Lumera, You arrive on the new continent of Asgard, a new human Kingdom that still have yet to uncover many of the mysteries the lands have in store.
Release State: Alpha (live)

URL: http://www.sagramore.com



Forum: Forum.sagramore.com
IRC: irc.exnw.com #sagramore

Contact me at info [AT] excalisoft [DOT] com or send me a PM

Upon submission please include a portfolio, references to past project as well as a personal motivation text. Also feel free to join the community and hang around our IRC, I'll be happy to have a friendly chat with you. (perhaps even include a few examples of our work, to demonstrate your skill)
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