I'm using boolean to get the window shape in the wall so when I turn it into an Editable Poly it triangulates the mesh automatically. I know you should keep your model in quads and triangles right? So would this need to be fixed or can I leave it as is?
Then copy that arch to each of the others.
Do I need to delete all but one window, and mirror it over that way?
Use the bend modifier.
Extrude out from the arch to add the thickness, extrude away to create the wall.
Otherwise (if the wall was already in place), axis-snapping and vertex welding.
The key thing to remember is how they interact and how that interaction will effect the final result. So while I use them for some things, there are plenty of times I avoid them because its just going to create a mess. So instead of running away and never using them come to an understanding of their strengths and use them appropriately.
It's all just tools in the toolbox, don't use pliers to drive a nail
Then Keep stabbing over and over.