I've been wanting to do a LoL character for a bit; first Jax, then Nautilus, and now I've settled on fiddlesticks because I've been playing him the most...
I'm gonna try to
stream the whole process also.

here's my base so far, and as of posting this the
stream will be up in a few minutes!
I'm doing a Maokai model at the moment, so I'll defo sub this and keep an eye on it!
Be a man and play Xin [ame="
Also, the fiddle in your stream looks like an Alien.
@Visceral - AHAHAHAHA oh man that video is GREAT
@Saferdan - glad the stream helped!
sculpt is about done. took longer than I wanted because I ended up sleeping most of yesterday... Currently retopoing! Once I bake i'm going to stream the texturing.
I'm really excited to see your texturing process too!
I really like the technique you use for your alphas with just inflating from the plane, tried it with teeth yesterday and it bakes so nice.
ps.- Seriously all this LOL art lately and no one is giving any love to volibear or rumble !
ahahahahaha Oh god lol.
Daphz that looks great! Bring it home!
I've still got some fixing and color variation to do but this is where i'm at so far.
and a bit about the progress -
base bakes, gradient maps, lighting painting, details.