I am rigging a rather elaborate cigarette for an university project but I have to come a point where I really have no idea how to continue:
the cigarette consists of an outer shell and an ash-core. when the cigarette burns down the core automatically bends down via a lattice and some driven keys. the next step would be to make parts fall off from the core and keep them where they end up (I have no problem animating the falling down by hand but the parts need to stay where they are). the core itself is 15 little cylinders so the possibility to move these around is somehow there. however the really problem is that the core-parts keep moving around when I move the main controller / the whole cigarette which is absolutly logical.
I am looking for a way to really detach those chunks. please I've already spent hours on this and haven't come anywhere.
thx a lot

having them be part of the same heirachy is cool for when they're waving around but if its causing problems for when they fall and settle just use new geometry.