Well first of all, there's more to this place that I haven't modeled yet. But at this point I can't decide if I should keep working on what I've done so far or if I just need to move on. I've been poking it at off and on for a while, so at this point I'm starting to get tired of it. And I'm pretty happy with how it looks, although it could definitely be better. But any feedback is welcome regardless. What people tell me here will definitely influence what I decide to do.
For some background, this is a level from a game that I'm working on for my senior thesis project. The game is horror/adventure, and is about a father and a son on a canoeing trip in the Russian wilderness, who become part of a myth about a god bent on getting revenge against his own father.
The concept behind this is that it was carved into a sacred mountain by an ancient peoples who worshiped the gods of the myth. So it's all carved rather than masonry. I was mainly focusing on the atmosphere and architectural design for this.
And I can't help but plug my game in case anyone is interested:
I have a short playable demo/beta for download that I certainly wouldn't mind getting feedback on as well.
But on to the important stuff.
These are all player-view from Unity.
Central room:

And a side aisle: