Hi, everybody. I'm new here, and doing new things.
I'm normally a prop/environment guy, but after seeing some of the things people are pulling off with recent versions of Zbrush, I decided to push a helmet concept I had into a full character starting with just a Dynamesh sphere. It's also my first time poly painting. After I'm through with the high poly, I plan on making a game rez version.
Obviously, I'm doing a lot of things here I don't normally do, so I figured now would be the ideal (well, sort of overdue) time to start getting involved in the forums.
Critiques of any kind are welcome. Be brutal.

Small changes, lots of little detailing things. I scaled up the hands a little and added a bit of armor to the backs of them in response to praetor187's comments (thx!).
Like I said earlier, critiques and comments are welcome.