Whelp. I sat down to all this 3D stuff back in January (2012), took a three month course at Futurepoly here in Seattle and finished that a couple weeks ago. Decided to just run with the knowledge I gathered from that class before striking out on my own. Here's my first "project" -
critiques more than welcome.
There are a number of things I'm stuck on - first of all, lighting quality. You'll see lighting artifacts on the hard edges on the ceramic pieces. Not sure what to do about that or what it means.
Texturing I haven't really started yet, just a quick color pass. Mostly I've been fighting to get a high enough quality texture so that the stone-noise doesn't just look like bad JPG artifacting.
And I'm pretty sure my lowpoly sucks.

if the hard surface stuff is supposed to be stone then it doesn't look like it.
mostly due to sharp edges and thin long forms.
Yeah, didn't want to get too carried away with the sculpt for now since I wanted to kind of get to using all the skills I'd learned recently before they faded from memory.