Hello! I was practicing sculpting(This is the second thing I have ever sculpted) and I came to find that my rocks looked muddy or soft. Any tips on making the rock more solid?
I was thinking of using the paint tool in mudbox to paint the spec map on the rocks black to take away the shine. Any others tips?
Thanks in advance!

As always, you guys rock.
(The last picture is just a blockout. I know there are stretched textures and the ground is really round)

The tutorial will feature : Maya/3dcoat/Xnormal/Mubox/Meshlab/UDK/Cryengine.
To summaries the tutorial :
Some base rock models will be sculpted in mudbox (can also be done in 3dcoat)
Then I'll export those basic rock models from mudbox to 3dcoat where I'll place them and merge them together to make one single mesh.
After making the highpoly rock model in 3dcoat, I'll export a highpoly mesh at around 2 million polys and a medium poly mesh (500k triangles).
The highpoly mesh will be used to bake out the texture maps in Xnormal while the medium poly mesh is used to generate a low poly model through decimation in Meshlab.
Once the low poly mesh is done, I'll make its UVs in maya then bake out AO/Normals in Xnormal.
The normal map will be used to generate and edge/cavity map by using crazybump's diffuse output texture.
Later on, I'll bring the low poly mesh in mudbox with its AO and edge/cavity map and use a photosourced rock texture as a stencil to paint my diffuse texture while having the AO layer set to multiply blending mode and the edge/cavity map as Overlay all on top of the color map.
Try making individual rock models, thats the best approach at the moment. Make sure that your terrain texture blends nicely with your rock models.
trixxster, I think a lot of what is making the rocks look "soft" right now is the actual topology, try and make harsh plane changes and flat areas with flatten/planar brushes to get a stronger silhouette. it is looking too curvy for rocks right now which gives the impression of softness imo. also like choco said a cavity/edge map on the textures will help the forms read better