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Hi folks.
I have about 2 weeks left to complete my graduation project. I've completely redesigned it based a lot on feedback I received here a long time ago on the first rendition of the concept. I'd like to get any feedback you're willing to share to really polish it up before the deadline.
So, the basic story is there is a crystal power source (Zaigus) that the inhabitants of the environment harness. They can integrate it crudely into objects and it powers them all mysterious-like. Like elevator platforms!
I'm going for stylized hand painted fantasy feel with just diffuse and spec maps.
Here's what I've got so far.

Thanks for having a look!
I typed in "swamp painting" in google and found this. Perfectly simulates what I'm getting at:
See how the light pours through and highlights certain spots? I think you could do this and keep the same atmosphere you have. Right now it seems too dark to be able to see your awesome hand painted textures :P
It's a good start, just pour some more awesome into it!
Not sure what the trees are going into, is it water? if so maybe you should try placing a reflection map on it to make it appear more like water? if its mist then it looks cool, at the moment thats what i get from it
good job so far
I also agree with Selaznog, more colour variety, even just different greens would greatly improve the scene and give more depth.
Looking nice though
@sipher3325 Thanks.
@Justin_Meisse The leaves are very big, they're actually half the size they were when I started haha. I wanted to have boats that they built sails with the leaves but ran out of time. I'm going for a stylized chunky low poly look but I definitely don't want it too low poly! I wanted a gnarled jaggedly quality to the branches. Is it too much still? I see those monster seams you're talking about, if I get some time I will definitely connect them to the main trunk mesh. Thanks for pointing that out.
@njc6425 I haven't heard of that game but I looked it up and really dig the art style. It's definitely close to the sort of look I wanted to achieve. And yes, sadly that is water. I made a water plane using Hourence's tutorial and adjusted it to look more swampy, then added a fog volume underneath it because I wanted it to fade to opaque under the water. It's too misty looking I agree. I will read up on how to do water reflections and give that a try.
@Darkleopard Thanks, I tried to add more color variety like you suggested.
Here's where I'm at now:
I'm finding it very hard to adjust it to the look and feel I want, I think I bit off more than I could chew with it. The reflection always gets completely drowned out by the scene's Exponential Height Fog. To show you what I mean I posted a shot of the shader with fog disabled and then with just the height fog enabled. I don't know how to approach making the fog not effect the shader so dramatically, and to make it a rich swampy green without touching the fog colors.
I'm not sure if i'm helping because i'm not fan of cartoony and highly saturated hand painted stuff therefore i'm not familiar with philosophy of designing them.
I'm also looking into other types of fogs. I tried the plain Height Fog (not exponential) which works better with the water shader but looks kind of meh. Also playing with the idea of a post processing effect that simulates fog by graying out things based on scene depth.
Any other thoughts around this?
@Fartuess Thanks. I do have some desaturation going on with with the post processing effect. I did want to keep more saturated color in the foreground though to fit with the feel I had in mind. I'm a big fan of saturated hand painted stuff though. :P
I tried two LinearHalfspace fog volumes, one below the water (green) and one inverted above the water (blue). Got pretty decent results but the fog start distance was impossible to control. Maybe something like that has to be done within the fog material. Even if I did get it to work, it bugs the crap out of my water shader and translucent materials.
Also tried the FogEnvironment mesh that has two fog hemispheres that can be manipulated independently of one another. Seemed like a perfect solution, but ran into the same problems as the LinearHalfspace fogs with buggyness and start distance control parameter not working correctly.
Those are the main two I spent the most time on, the other fog volumes in UDK's bag of tricks I may get around to messing with more but I'm hesitant to waste more days on it, I have so start putting a fly through and presentation materials together soon.
My project partner Jen Gomez did the characters and their props. She also painted the boat texture at the docks, made the fishing pole and the bag at the item shop.
Thanks for the help you guys gave me, you guys rock!
Link to Jen's character turnarounds:
I'm having trouble decided which LUT to use. Before I redo the video and screenshots I was hoping I could get some feedback on which looks the best.