Hey guys, its time to lose my polycount cherry:thumbup:
Im just at the tail end of my university course in UK and gonna do a massive art dump:) Hope you enjoy as much as I did learning to do it:poly121:
Any Critique is welcome, but I really am at the tail end of this course these projects are beyond the hand in dates as well as group projects tend to fall apart after hand ins....
But any personal stuff I post after, critique is welcomed, nay, demanded :poly124:
Current Project: Final Year Project
Current WIP's:

Youtube Matinee Capture[/ame]"][ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_X33wmSbk-g"]Youtube Matinee Capture[/ame]
Roles: World Builder, Environment Artist
About: 3rd Person Zombie Shooter
Dates: Nov 2011 - March 2012
Roles: World Builder, Environment Artist, Design
About: 3rd Person Adventure, also our result after 2 months of first using UDK
Dates: Jan 2011 - May 2011
Id love to see some individual assets with wires, like the shipping crates and rocks
+1 for me
Youtube Matinee Capture[/ame]"][ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_X33wmSbk-g"]Youtube Matinee Capture[/ame]