hey guys this is my first ever completed vehicle
its supposed to be an attack helicopter
yeh its got a lot of fire power
i just wanted to see how it would look with all the junk on it
it has 4 heat seeking missiles
1 ground (or passenger) guided missile(pilot cant drive it)
38 unguided missiles
19 in each pod on each wing
4 7.62x39mm chambered miniguns shooting 1000rpm
thats about it
if we add all that weight up im sure its enough turn that chopper into an expensive paper weight lolz
any feed back is good feed back
plz creativly critique me
i wanna know what i got wrong so i can fix it
i do plan to fit in a motor on the final model
and add in some more realistic parts like flaps and bolts and paint and other helicopter-like-junk
here it is

i like it, the cabin window can be smother
keep up the good work and hope to see it with texture
it was meant to be like that
i want it so look like the glass was meant to have hard sharp egdes
i have it rigged and its animate-able lolz
there are a few verticies that are pissing me off so i need to go back and do some more weight painting
they are in unnoticed areas thou
thanks for the feed back
I feel like the barrels on the gatling guns are pretty long. take a look at some reference for that.
I also feel like the hellfire rockets (unguided rockets) are a little too large.
There sure is a lot of firepower for a small helicopter like this. Consider removing one of the gatling guns from each wing and putting the hellfire rocket pod in its place.
you could even place only one gatling gun in the nose of the helicopter. and just move the hellfire down to where ur gatling guns are located.
nice work so far keep it up!
they were just placeholders for more accurate weapons
thanks for the comments ^^