In honor of
this thread, I'm dusting off an old character I didn't finish. Since it's mostly Hazardous's posts that inspired me I figured a pretty lady would be an appropriate place to start. Suggestions are always encouraged. Be harsh. It'll make me better.
Hopefully it's obvious that I've pushed her midsection the furthest, and I'm not quite sure where to jump back in, but whatever. Less thinking. More doing.
Shitty concept art:


if you do that, then you won't need me to tell you what's wrong with your work so far
- Head is too small
- Shoulders too angular
- Rib cage is too narrow
- breasts seem extruded from the torso instead of resting on it (see babelab boob physics example)
-Knee's are too low down and making the legs look dumpy
-lower leg is very thin
-the angle that hands are modelled at is really down to preference, but i find its easier to crit their shape if they are in a neutral position
-Belly seems to concave inwards as if she's starved, try reduce this a fair bit.
- pelvic bones seem a bit too visable, i'd make this area smooth into the body in a more subtle way.
Paint over:
man i'm in the same boat. terribad 2d artist!
check my sig for what i mean about collecting ref and drawing from many angles etc. believe me, it helps a lot!
oh, and use perspective mode in zbrush (press "p").
That's a pretty good start to the sculpt. If you can't draw, then take an image of a female body and maybe paint design ideas over? Get as many ideas down as you can first, it'll save time later and give you a sense of direction. Alternatively, photo-splice images together. Not the prettiest of methods, but saves you drawing.
I'm not amazing with anatomy either, but these are my observations;
-neck slightly too long
-arms could be ever so slightly longer, the wrists should align with the crotch
-i agree with everything else that has been said
Just some notes;
-hands should be as big as the head
-character should be 8 heads high (for heroic proportions)
Keep going!
I'm not sure what character to go with just yet. I'm big into the Warhammer 40k right now, but they're all covered in armor (and I don't think I've run into a female yet, as I just started with Horus Rising). WoW seems a bit over-fan-arted. Maybe a female version of Adam Jensen from Deus Ex? I'll post a reference sheet when I decide on something.
In the meantime, gestures!
New WIP:
I used it as an excuse to familiarize myself better with ZBrush's hard surface toolset, so everything here except the anatomy, is the polysphere3D > concept mesh > retopo > crease edges > dynamesh > IMM for embelishments workflow. There's still a ways to go, but I feel like I'm improving.
NOTE: The straps holding the thigh/groin armor up are from an IMM posted here: , reworked a bit to fit my needs better.
In the concept the armor plates do look very slim, but you might be able to get some interesting shapes on her silhouette by deviating from the concept art a bit and thickening up those armor plates so they don't feel so paper thin.
Thanks for the feedback Sybrix
The armor plates I'm not sure on. Looking at armor reference images (here) the armor I have on her is already too thick. Any thinner than it is and it doesn't look substantial enough, but any thicker and it may look too heavy. I'll give it a shot, though, and see how it feels