I made a HP of a Honda CRV 2012 a few months ago (see my website
http://www.clarkcoots.com for HP renders) and wanted to make a LP. I'm pretty unfamiliar with the specs of a LP car model. I've read it can range from half a million tris in the newest Forza type racing games, and can go as low 15k tris or lower I'm sure. It's really one of those assets that depends on what game it is for. It's currently sitting at 20K tris. Would love any feedback as to what a good poly count might be, where I can add more polys or optimze current geometry.
Another question I have is how to texture. I figured most of the exterior can be defined by some material shader rather than texturing no? I'll still need UVs for everything for my normal maps. So would it be wise to have 2 UV sets? 1 that has all material only parts (metal, glass, mirror) and will eventually only use a normal map and cube map. And the 2nd UV set for parts that need a Diffuse, Spec, Normal like the dashboard, seats, etc. One problem I see is there are some parts like a Honda logo and license plate on the back of the car thats in the HP but will be baked into the normal map for LP. This would cause problems with the material only shaders. The exterior would have a metal shader but then the Honda logo on the back would have the same shader but needs to be chrome. Is it possible to use a Mask or something have have 1 shader that uses 2 materials chrome and exterior metal...? I might be over thinking all of this... ahh. Is the material only method a good idea? If so I might have to go back and re-model the Honda logo and license plate so I have separate geometry to define different materials.
My output will either be Marmoset or Cry Engine 3... possibly UDK if I get some ideas on shader set up. really any advice would be helpful, thanks!

On the other hand, if you're going to put it in UDK, you'll have trouble getting the normals to match that tangent basis, so the only solution is actually adding more geometry, especially to the body, to avoid smoothing errors. Up to you to decide what you go for.
Oh and your highpoly really is pretty good, you know what you're doing. Make sure you showcase some realime texturing witht his project, as most stuff on your website is highpoly software rendering, not too relevant for games.
I'm afraid I'm not sure what you mean by "you'll have trouble getting the normals to match that tangent basis" in UDK. I'm guessing it means the curvature of the low poly doesnt match the high poly close enough so it could lead to shading errors in the normal map? Is that accurate, or is it more something to do with UDK and the way it deals with normals?
Thanks for the encouragement, certainly the goal of my portfolio is to get more realtime game renders in there. so this project is important to me.
Here are some topics about it:
Images here: http://wiki.polycount.com/NormalMap?highlight=%28\bCategoryTexturing\b%29#Shaders_and_Seams
I also got the tri count down to just under 15,000, which I'm pretty happy with.
Looking forward to seeing the final bake
wheel looks better though.
the car was just test bakes in modo to test texture resolution. there wasn't proper smoothing groups, alot of it was hard edged thus seams. I'm importing over to Maya and doing soft/hard edges there and then baking in XN. The final car will hopefully be the quality of the wheel bake.
Might be worth trying to bake to a higher accuracy format, 16 or 32bits per pixel instead of 8bpp.
This is another one of those reasons why for proper high end cars, you're better off just ditching normalmaps and using more polygons
The noisy pattern Xoliul was talking about has a name, Dithering.
I've read that If you bake out with higher precision, you can get better results by scaling it down to 8-bits later in Photoshop, because it may have a better algorithm for this than Max.
Crytek supposedly does this all the time and has their exporter handle the dithering and scaling per platform, according to their crysis 2 texture workflow publication.
I haven't tried that though, I'm not modeling things like cars that have super subtle gradients. maybe you could give it a shot?
Have you tried making a quick test cutting a line down the door and see the result?
I have a bunch of other UDK questions, but I'll troubleshoot those later...
Looking for more.
Push it.
Do you think you can share some of your rendering and material setup and cube map and any of that stuff? At least a process of what you did or anything that you think can help someone obtain a similar result? It just looks like its straight out of a game and maybe you can educate myself and some other people on how you achieved that?