Had this model printed. Stands at 6.5 inches tall. Can't wait to hold him in my hands..
Update: If anyone is interested, I still have some of these kits left. PM me if interested. They go for $75 + $10 shipping in the US.
Master Print:

3 part kit, assembly required:

retleks- I'm casting kits if you're interested. PM me.
TehSplatt- Thanks!
show us pics once it arrives!
seth- thanks
Was the eye crack a late addition? It looks fine, but it's the only piece of damage on him, I'm wondering if that was part of the original design of it you added it to draw the eye more towards the face. The mouth, SCM muscles and chest ball thing all seem to kind of draw the eye downward without it.
- BoBo
Bobo- Thanks. I went through Ownage. You can go to ownage.com. They do really good work at reasonable prices. However, depending on their schedule, they might take some time since they have commercial projects to work on too. If you're not in a hurry to get them done, I'd say go with Ownage.
If anyone is interested, I have these kits with me now and they are up for grabs. $75 + $10 shipping in the US. PM me if interested. Here are some pictures of the kit. 3 part kit , assembly required.
And one for size reference