I've been having a reoccurring problem with Maya's display layers system. If I do anything that deletes the history of a mesh, it will become perpetually stuck in whatever layer it was assigned to.
So say I put a piece of the roof in the "roof_1" layer. But later I delete its history, and want to add it to a different layer, like roof_2. It'll add it to roof 2, but whenever I click on roof_1, like if I want to make that layer invisisble, the piece I added to roof_2 goes invisible as well, like it's somehow still added to the roof_1 layer. It seems like the moment you delete history on an object in Maya the layer it was associated with almost becomes locked into it, instead of just resetting the mesh to the default layer properly. I'm using Maya 2011.
Is there any way to make it forget the previous layer association that is quick?
Thanks for any help

sometimes it works if you remove it from the current layer,duplicate it then add the dupe to a new layer and remove the old object...
but it is a pain especially when you have stuff like multiple UV sets/Color Sets or vert colours on the mesh..
Man, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I used layers all the time in 3dsMax...and in switching over to Maya this is probably the biggest dissapointment to me. I gave up on using layers all together for this reason.
Glad to see a few solutions in here
Yeah did you check your outliner to check it wasn't in a group that is assigned to a layer you do not want it to be in? If it is in a group just drag in out of the group and reassign it
If it doesn't work could someone replicate the issue and upload a scene?
As you can see here I had a ton of shape nodes and groups that were just junk data that seems to slowly build up the more combinations & extractions I do. Seems like this kind of garbage is unavoidable meh..
Otherwise use Alt+Shift+D to delete history on selected objects.