I have been interested in 3d and 2d (2d is what i do primarily because im better at it) for the past year or two. Im on the fence between which career/major/program or whatever I should chose between (illustration or game art). Problem is I have no clue where to start with 3d even though I really want to do it or at least know how. The programs are crazy complex and I have no clue what im doing in them. Mind helping me out? I have blender and 3ds max 2010 - Are those good starting programs? How should I go about learning the programs? And tutorial sets that seem to cover all the important stuff? How do you generate ideas and all that?
I realize that there are tutorials on 3ds max and they do help but they only cover so much. Anywhere I can go to learn the industry standard of 3d besides just being in the industry and college programs?
There are plenty of tutorials that teach you standards. Max is used in a LOT of studios. So yes, good "starting" program.
Just pick a simple object and try and model it, if you don't want to follow tutorials. a fire hydrant, or a bottle, or snow man or something. a crate. Something with simple shapes is always a good start.
As for generating ideas. That's up to you and your creativity. Look at other peoples art. Concept or 3d. Play games and get ideas from that.
Lots of people here will find a piece of concept art they like online, and then try and recreate it. It's good practice.
When you know you can nail down concepts. Try and expand and do your own version of said concept.