Got a bit sick of seeing the same set of free textures we all tend to draw from and decided to take my camera and throw some new ones into the mix.
Didn't waste much time on the site design, but the scripts I put in let me dump new textures on the fly.
Few hundred high-res photos up there now, no download limits / subscriptions, etc.
Made it as simple as humanly possible.
Edit: Feel free to let me know what you'd like to see more of.
The bandwidth costs of providing zipped categories would bankrupt me
There's a single banner ad on the side, in the long term that'll help offset the costs of the hosting, I think.
For now, grab them piecemeal. I look forward to looking for little hints of them in your future projects
clicked on some of the banner adds too if that helps
Happy to do it! Clicking the ad definitely helps, but not mandatory in any way. On the off chance people see something relevant (other than the silly flooring and concrete mix ads that seem to pop up), clicking sends a some pennies my way.
Regardless of that, I'll keep uploading stuff as I update my personal library.
It's a cannibalistic sort of thing. If enough people go to the site, the presence of the banner ad offsets the cost of the hosting. The site isn't pretty, but it's set up to automatically update by reading the EXIF data from my photos as I place them in the relevant folders.
It'd be a mess to keep up with Mediafire, and to be honest - I'd like to get enough traffic going to make the thing independent / self sufficient.
I'll keep dumping / updating. For now, grabbing the textures from the site itself boosts my traffic and is to my benefit - I can flip the bandwidth costs for a while
Ad bannered honda civic's and photo-shop laser treatment ;')
AAAh! Damn my 1990s webdesign skill, manually linked everything for each page. I'll hunt it down, thanks
You guys can use DownloadThemAll for firefox in about 15-30 minutes I got them all.
If at all possible, please refrain from grabbing all the textures in big gulps, it tends to chug the site down for everyone. Best bet is a grab 'em as you need 'em sort of deal.
Looking at increasing my hosting plan ATM
Naw, figured I'd make this a separate resource. The site is rigged to update itself whenever I put new photos in my local folders, I really like the idea of maintaining it / serving it myself.
I'll probably end up putting models, etc on there as well.
Before I got into the 3d industry, I got a ton of help from free tutorial / resource sites and forums like this one. This site is kind of a personal project to give something back, so I want to keep custody of the bits and pieces and curate them myself.
Good idea to do this would save your bandwidth, I will get the one's I need from now on when they are updated/posted, thank you again.
Also, thirding the torrent seeding offer.
(un-ad-blocked your site. thanks!)
I'll update this thread to let you know when I've added more textures. I'm planning to dump a bunch of foliage / produce / general organics this weekend.
Yep..Very kind of you to put this up.
My condolences to your monthly bandwidth.
I was literally just about to ask as I'm making a city scene right now.