Huge Splash damage fan and this looks amazing cant wait for it to come out also Jfletcher you working on this some of the textures look like your style of painting?
Oh yeah, because it looks awesome. He's probably too modest to say it himself, but he pretty much single-handedly did all the character, weapon and item work so far on this title - modelling, texturing and skinning.
Most of the environment work was handled with similar panache by Angelo "classact" dal Pra, who I don't think is on Polycount (unless he lurks? come on out!).
I didn't really do anything on this title barring a tiny bit of UI art contribution and the occasional bit of pipeline support & art debugging, so I can say (moderately impartially) that it looks absolutely fantastic.
If you guys haven't watched the trailer yet, then go feast your eyes, it was put together entirely in-house and is a lot of fun:
[ame=""]RAD Soldiers Teaser Trailer - iPad iPhone iPod Touch - YouTube[/ame]
So happy about this!
I loved frozen synapse and the concept of asynchronous turn based gaming like this. Was brilliant and iOS is the perfect platform!
Just saw this today on the Splash site (maybe a bit late finding out about it), anyone else looking forward to it? Kinda makes me think of Team Fortress 2 meets League of Legends XD Looks like a lot of fun
Great to see a big name using Unity - that's usually the number one excuse people use to dismiss it. Looks like it's right up my alley, I'll DEFIANTLY play this.
ZOMG finally it's announced! I didn't contribute to it whatsoever, but I'm glad to see people are appreciating this everywhere, it's nice to see positive vibe again at the mention of Splash Damage!
The guys did a top job with Rad Soldiers, it was a great opportunity for JFletcher to help define the visual style of the characters! He's one of the youngest guys in the studio and also one of the most driven artists
I saw this video yesterday - quite interested in this. I've been playing alot of final fantasy tactics lately and could do with some more turn based stuff!
haha brilliant! Love the art style, definitely gonna have to buy this
Wont have to as it will be free to play! Someone at work mentioned that quite a few people didn't realise it at first, so there's a 'free' logo slapped on the warchest page now, hehe.
RAD Soldiers is currently in a limited release to Canada via iTunes as a trial / stress test for the full release - if you're Canadian (or have a Canadian iTunes account) you can get it for free now!
Went to the IGDA comedy night last night, and there was a dude in the front row the comedians were picking on all night that was working on this game. It was pretty funny.
This looks fantastic. Though, one of the characters looks like the engineer from tf2
I would like to play this game, too, but my appstore is not canadian either. I also would like to know more technical details on how many tris you spend, etc. Any chance, JFletcher?
Oh yeah, because it looks awesome. He's probably too modest to say it himself, but he pretty much single-handedly did all the character, weapon and item work so far on this title - modelling, texturing and skinning.
Most of the environment work was handled with similar panache by Angelo "classact" dal Pra, who I don't think is on Polycount (unless he lurks? come on out!).
I didn't really do anything on this title barring a tiny bit of UI art contribution and the occasional bit of pipeline support & art debugging, so I can say (moderately impartially) that it looks absolutely fantastic.
If you guys haven't watched the trailer yet, then go feast your eyes, it was put together entirely in-house and is a lot of fun:
again the game looks awesome cant come soon enough!
Is this running on the same engine as Brink?
Looks nice.
Any word on a release date ?
Seriously though, this looks fantastic
I loved frozen synapse and the concept of asynchronous turn based gaming like this. Was brilliant and iOS is the perfect platform!
There's a little somethin' on the guy on the left's shoulder.
But anyway, it's cool this is getting positive feedback, I'm looking forward to showing more!
Any chance of an Android version (especially since it's using Unity)? No iOS device here
Wont have to as it will be free to play! Someone at work mentioned that quite a few people didn't realise it at first, so there's a 'free' logo slapped on the warchest page now, hehe.
RAD Soldiers is currently in a limited release to Canada via iTunes as a trial / stress test for the full release - if you're Canadian (or have a Canadian iTunes account) you can get it for free now!
This looks fantastic. Though, one of the characters looks like the engineer from tf2
Judging by the screenshots/trailer, REALLY great work guys!
Downloading as we speak
Any chance of an art dump those of you that worked on it?
looks awesome!