guys, need your help... whenever i hit f4, my actor properties window open off screen... is there a way to restore it? i know, it might seem a noobish question, but i need it urgently to reappear in my screen, and cant seem to figure a solution :S
Well, apparently I need glasses.. Very sorry for that man. :poly136:
I thought i read it in the general discussion section for some reason.
I can't count how many times a restart fixed weird maya bugs, thats why i mentioned it
Anyway, shame that it didn't work. If i find anything else i'll post it here.
heheh, no probs, chill
yea, same with 3dmax, but for some weird sourcery udk saves its settings (including window positions and such)... so im pretty much with a problem
thanks for the help though, im copying my scene folders to my desktop, will reinstall udk and replace the folders. just my luck as today i was gonna take the beauty shots for my folio lmao xD
Not sure if this will work with the actor properties window but try bringing it up and if its still off screen hit Alt+Spacebar then choose move and use the arrow keys to see if you can bring it back.
- or -
Im just going to assume you are using UDK, since you didn't say what software or whatever you have the problem in.
did a quick google; UDK: Go to one of the viewports: hit the down arrow -> show -> use defaults.
- or -
Try deleting the UTeditor ini from the Config folder
anyway yea, im using udk will try it, and see if it works.
edit: couldnt help but laugh at the "close and open again" xD
edit 2: no use, tried resetting the default with the down arrow, tried deleting the .ini, nothing worked. guess im gonna have to reinstall UDK. shit.
I thought i read it in the general discussion section for some reason.
I can't count how many times a restart fixed weird maya bugs, thats why i mentioned it
Anyway, shame that it didn't work. If i find anything else i'll post it here.
heheh, no probs, chill
yea, same with 3dmax, but for some weird sourcery udk saves its settings (including window positions and such)... so im pretty much with a problem
thanks for the help though, im copying my scene folders to my desktop, will reinstall udk and replace the folders. just my luck as today i was gonna take the beauty shots for my folio lmao xD