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[WIP] Shield Maiden

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This is less that its super "finished" and more that I'm just sick of looking at it. It was a very fun project, and I'm excited to do more sometime.


  • PDC
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    PDC polygon
    Decided to move forward with a character I started in the Sketch Thread. This is a pretty big step for me, but I'm having fun with it. C&C always welcome and appreciated.


  • PDC
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    PDC polygon
    I'm starting with just the bust, to focus on getting the character/feeling right first. I've drawn some turnarounds to be sure everything fits proportionally already, but they're not worth sharing yet.

    Initial Mudbox sculpt:

    Retopo'd and UVed the skin. Still holding off on the hair for tomorrow.

    Starting textures, rendered in Marmy.
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    I really like the face texture, nice job!!
  • Funky Bunnies
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    Funky Bunnies polycounter lvl 17
    its coming along sweet, i really dig the sketches

    i think i'd keep shooting for achieving that feel/mood (unless youre changing it) rather than letting there be any sorta difference in your approach just because it's 3d vs. paint. Even the facial structure is a bit different
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    Very cool concepts. I like it a lot.

    I think her face right now looks more childlike than the teen or adult I'd expect based on the concepts. The cheeks are a bit chubby and I think the forehead/brow could be pulled back a bit to make her look a bit older. Nice work so far.

    Edit: Also what Funky Bunnies said. She seems to be quite different in style from the concepts right now.
  • BrendtheCow
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    BrendtheCow polycounter lvl 8
    That face texture is badass! Can't wait to see how this one turns out ^_^.
  • PDC
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    PDC polygon
    Tits, BrendtheCow: Thanks a lot guys! Really appreciate the encouragement.

    Hugh: Right now the hair and scarf are just extruded cubes, to rough-in the shapes. The back of her hair is supposed to be a big chunky braid, so I'm trying to make my base-mesh actually interlock like that. Additionally, i'd planned to make her hair with full volume geo rather than a million alpha-planes to give it more body and weight. (though I'll probably still add some alpha to the ends)

    Admittedly, this is all speculation at this point, b/c I've never done a character with really natural hair before.
  • PDC
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    PDC polygon
    FunkyBunnies & Frump: Thanks for pointing out that my sculpt is/was getting away from the original concepts. I'm working to fix that: (left-most is the newest)


    Its tough, because the two sketches I've finished sort of don't really look like the same person, so I'm trying to find the appeal of the character, rather than just matching the shapes.
    I like the kind of spark-of-life she had in the first round of sculpting and hope I'm not losing it with over-refinement.
  • Di$array
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    Di$array polycounter lvl 5
    Hey PDC. It coming along great. Personally I'd ignore the face of the first concept as the face is left up to interpretation due to a lack of detail. I'd concentrate on the face of the second.

    Looking at the 3 versions above I'd say the middle is the closest to the concept. I'd just make the lower lip a tad larger to give it a fuller appearance. Also you could raise the outer brow up a bit so the eye brows angle down a little. Looking at the concept again I would also enlarge the nose as it has a more rounded look in the concept.

    All in all its coming along great and I'll be keep an eye on it.
  • PDC
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    PDC polygon
    Back at it:
    Trying to address some of the issues I had with my first pass on the face. HUGE HUGE HUGE thanks to everyone for there comments and crits - it really helps.

    I had been trying to fix her with pulling some verts on the low-poly and fudging the diffuse texture, but it was looking ghetto and she seemed to be turning into too much of a plastic doll, so I scrapped the texture and went back to mudbox like a grown-up.

    - Focused on the angles in her cheeks and overall silhouette, as there seemed to be some ambiguity about her age/demeaner. Tried to push the "bitch-face"
    - Blocked in some lashes, as they seemed very important to her character's squinty nature.
    - Lowered & smoothed the brow to enable a less neanderthal-y scowl.
    - pulled chin & jaw forward, to square up her facial proportions and encourage her attitude.
    - million other changes on the nose/muzzle/everything because girls are freaking subtle. lol
  • PDC
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    PDC polygon
    Started the base-mesh for the body:


    Wasn't planning on going into too much detail on it, as most of it will be covered by clothes. But, did want to have a base version blocked out to help when modeling the fabric.
    Not a ton to talk about here, but hey. I had some boobs to show. Didn't think anyone would mind..

    Additionally: hands drive me nuts. lol will get back to those another time.
  • PDC
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    PDC polygon
    Baack to work! Clothes!
    Base-meshed, and starting some of the fine details in Mudbox.


    More soon!
  • uncle
    This of course reminds me... 18+

    Interesting stuff. Her arms are imo REALLY thin. They feel wrong in terms of anatomy. Watch out not to make it too caricatural.
  • Skummel
    Very nice start! I like the look of the folds in the cloth and the hair, cant wait to see it finished
  • ericdigital
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    ericdigital polycounter lvl 13
    really love your block out so far, looking like this is going to come out super ace!
  • duoxan
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    duoxan polycounter lvl 17
    yea, those ankles are looking kinda skinny too, almost as if theyd snap. other than that its looking swank!
  • PDC
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    PDC polygon
    uncle - interesting association? lol Thanks for the mention on the arm anatomy, definitely a place i could use a lot of practice. I'll try to tone down the caricature-ness.

    RiotForQuiet, duoxan - on anatomy: I'm trying to keep her on the smaller side for her more girly character. I totally agree that some of the base-mesh (especially the joints) are a bit too dainty, but on the whole I don't plan to make her that much more buff like a realistic warrior would be. Will try to bear in mind the ankles and elbows specifically when spending more time on her clothes to fix those areas.

    Skummel, ericdigital - Thanks guys! Really appreciate the encouragement! :D
  • PDC
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    PDC polygon
    Chipping away at the clothing details. I'm a bit worried all my folds are looking the same, as I'm not 100% clear in my head of what fabric each item would be made of.
    Mostly just trying to fake it :\
    The boots are the biggest mystery of all - in my head they're a slouchy-sock material with the shin-guards strapped to them, but when I get to the feet, I want them to be more of a boot.. so I'm gonna step away from them for a bit. Clear my head.

    Next up: Hard surface accesories.
  • PDC
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    PDC polygon
    Haven't updated the thread in a while, been busy with some art tests.
    Here's some progress on the hair:
  • PDC
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    PDC polygon
    Finished up the low-poly, and am trying to get the finishing touches on the norm bake.
    Here she is with normals-only:
  • MrNinjutsu
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    MrNinjutsu greentooth
    Damn this is looking rad so far.
  • woogity
    this is coming along great love the design simple and funcitonal!
  • erroldynamic
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    erroldynamic polycounter lvl 18
    Looks very promising. Can't wait to see her finished!
  • Mask_Salesman
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    Mask_Salesman polycounter lvl 13
    Hey lovely cloth work, those arms look exceedingly skinny considering the thickness of the cloth on top. I think even if you just expanded the cloth alittle it could help negate that.

    Keep up the good work :)
  • Nizza_waaarg
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    Nizza_waaarg polycounter lvl 15
    this is so cool, cant wait to see some textures ^_^
    seems like you could thicken up the forearms where the cloth buildup is but think they look cool skinny to match the legs :)

  • PDC
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    PDC polygon
    Thanks for all the kind words, guys!
    Here's a little update on the textures:
    Very WIP right now, not sure how much of the high-frequency details I want to keep for the final.. Just experimenting for now
  • PDC
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    PDC polygon
    Another little update on the texture, focusing mainly on the face.
    Chipping away!
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    Love how you desinged her. Love the body, face and hair. All subtle beauty.
  • PDC
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    PDC polygon
    whats_true Oh my god, thanks so much!
  • Shanthosa
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    Shanthosa polycounter lvl 11
    This is coming out great. As was pointed out, subtle things about it are really elevating it. Can't wait to see more!
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Love the clothing, looks great! Really subtle and nice,
  • PDC
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    PDC polygon
    I think the end is in sight! I made another pass on most of the textures, fixted a lot of issues with the hair. Pretty excited to put this to bed, so I made a little paint-over to list out the things left to do:
    This pose is SUUUPER temp, btw. Just got sick of seeing her in A pose. Pretty nervous about making a final pose for presentation, because my rigging skills are virtually non-existant...
  • Texelion
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    Texelion polycounter lvl 8
    I see something reaaally strange, about the collar zone, it's like her skin is OVER the clothes, not under it.

    Here is what I mean :


    On your model we can see a kind of shadow casted by the skin on the shirt, it's not logical.

    I think that you could also add some borders and seams on the clothes, here it's like they were cut off and not "manufactured".

    I really like the face ^^.

    Edit : I did some manip to make her look younger as Megalmn suggested.

  • megalmn2000
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    megalmn2000 polycounter lvl 13
    Maybe it's me, but I think there's something in the face that need to change a bit. Her facial expression makes her a bit "older", when she's pretty young. But the texture is great! Also, I'm not sure about the dirt on the top of the boot, is it something desired? Anyways, keep it up! :)
  • PDC
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    PDC polygon
    Thanks for the feedback guys!

    @Texelion: Thanks for the paintovers, they're very descriptive. The lines around her eyes are hitting particularly hard, you're right. I'll try to soften them in the normal map. Also, the weird shadows on the chest were from a test I was trying out early in the process that I should have fixed. Thanks for reminding me!

    Work, work..
  • PDC
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    PDC polygon
    Almost done! Think I'm ready to put the main texture to bed and knock out the accessories tomorrow.Cap14.jpg
    In this update, I've added a ton of little stuff that you probably wont notice. lol
    Lots of extra normals for soft materials, hand painted the small hairs under the bandana, made fur padding the gauntlets, etc.

    Hopefully I'll wrap this up soon
  • PDC
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    PDC polygon
    Calling her done. Took forever, but I learned a lot about materials and next gen models. Definitely points out how rubbish I am at rigging.

    Yeah, overall, too tired of this model to care to list the changes. She's got weapons and stuff. lol
  • PDC
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    PDC polygon
    Also, wanted to spruce up some of the beauty shots with animation. Was very difficult. lol
  • nyx702
    WTF I thought I was subscribed to this thread. She looks really good man.

    I freaking love the idea of the animation. Although...when I saw the snow flakes I thought for a second there was a bug on my monitor.
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    The hair...ugs. Next to the hi res fabric and face, it just stands out as bad quality. It looks very unfinished compared to the rest of the model. It seems deattached from the rest of the body style wise too.

    Add loops to get rid of those hard edges. Then start layering. Big clumps can sometimes work for a certain style, but in this case, its not working to much. Layer the hair, lighter bands on top and work your way down. Add alphas for the random run away hair and to give it character. Itll help with the lighting too, as you wont get those wierd lighting issues that Im looking at right now if its done with some alphas.


    From far away, you dont notice it as much, but if your doing close up shots, yeah, the quality of the hair is noticable.
  • PDC
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    PDC polygon
    nyx702: Thanks!

    whats_true: Thanks for the advice,very relevant photo too. This was my first time trying to make hair, and you're right, its really not great. But, ya know, no johns.

    Hopefully my next one will be better, and I might come back to this later when my skills have improved.
  • Denny
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    Denny polycounter lvl 14
    I love what you've done so far. I agree with whats_true that the hair could need some extra love, I think you have a great portfolio piece here and it would be sad if the hair is what pulls down the rating when, and if, a potential employer looks at it.

    Some extra few loops and cuts can do a lot, to me it is the sharp polygonal silhouette of the hair strands that kills it and not so much the texture or mapping. Could you not spend an extra 30 minutes to cut and smooth the shape a little bit and see how it turns out?

    Saving this to my inspiration folder by the way. :)
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