Look out all you Southern California Polycounters I'm headed your way to join the uber talented guys at Treyarch on Call of Duty! Can't wait to hang out with that region of beautiful and very talented folk!!!
BBQ and some drinks will def be in order soon!
Thanks to everyone on this site that has kept me going and pushing me to get better over the last few years. I seriously wouldn't be where I am if it weren't for you guys and my family. Been a rough ride but in the end it has def been well worth it.
So thank you Polycount!!
I start Wed the 25th!!!
Either way, CONGRATS!!! WOO
....now see if you can sneak a Polycount logo onto the side of a (insert item here)...
You NAILED it brah!
Congrats Jesse! You are one of those uber talented folks dude.
great news.
Good work!
Slick announcement image too.