Hello I am wondering if there is any cool good video tutorial out there about making a fantasy dragon or medieval character out there? I mean the cool expensive videos like eat 3d or the like ...
In zbrush of course and may be 3dsmax base too ...
I did found free tutorials online and most about characters are alays about some horned monster stuff , but I am looking for something more classical like an armor thing , a dragon or the like , I know I can follow one of those but I wanted to go for something I 'd like more , opposed to some "forced" figure ...
Zbrushworkshops has one dedicated to 'Sculpting Hard Surfaces, Armor and Repetitive Patterns', and another for 'Sculpting Realistic Skin & Scales' which might come in handy for dragons.
http://eat3d.com/zbrush35_character looks like it might also contain a few elements that might help when doing fantasy characters (armor, etc)
How did I miss that? I already bought 6 or more dvds from their site lol and I missed this fantasy character tutorial? Is it a from scratch tutorial on how to make this char or is just a spray of techniques here and there but not consistent explanation of how to manage it's creation?
I am interested particularly into making a character for Low poly .... from ground up ... but fantasy oriented mostly ....
its all the same, be it sci-fi, fantasy, today, toony, or anything else
if you can model/sculpt one you can do the others as well, of course the balance between hardsurface, or needed detail may vary from project to project, but this dvd won't let you make better fantasy characters than other well made tutorials - when you know what you do, you know what you do.
http://eat3d.com/zbrush35_character looks like it might also contain a few elements that might help when doing fantasy characters (armor, etc)
I am interested particularly into making a character for Low poly .... from ground up ... but fantasy oriented mostly ....
if you can model/sculpt one you can do the others as well, of course the balance between hardsurface, or needed detail may vary from project to project, but this dvd won't let you make better fantasy characters than other well made tutorials - when you know what you do, you know what you do.