Hey Guys, so I am working on my first next gen item for my demo reel. I made changes to it, which were suggested by a polycount member
konstruct in an older post of mine. Comments and Critiques are welcome.
Here is the concept art.

High Poly Renders:

@AlexCatMasterSupreme- are you talking about those floating A's? (those are just place holders) not meant to be a mesh. If not can you point out what you mean?
@zbyszko- thanks dude
Also I think the main reason you are loosing a lot in the transition from concept to 3d, has to do with the lack of the aggressive and boxy looking "hood" shape at the base of the window. If you look close, you`ll also notice the puffy engine shape mentioned earlier can be clearly seen transitioning into the central area right below the window. Yours is an entirely different object. Perhaps its too high?
@ burtonyang-
What pieces look too tall and not beefy enough? if you could point them out that would be great.
are you talking about this piece here in blue
for the hood I think i understand what you mean now, the green part is raised and boxy and on the side it transitions up to it?
under it in red mesh is the old hood shape, with blocked out green mesh outline above
Yours is not, and is still a separate piece.