Hey Guys, I just started working on this character.
He was originally inspired by traditional day of the dead artwork,
I since have been told it looks like PvZ, which was unintentional, but if anyone has any feedback it would be much appreciated.
I will be update this post as i work through it.

thanks heaps for the advice josh, thats a great idea i will add some more dirt in and maybe some scruffs in his overalls?.
Also, it does kind of look like PvZ right now, but when you take it into zBrush that'll probably change. Nice job on that silhouette btw!
thanks heaps man, means alot. i will try upload as much as i can.
I am at a crossroads deciding whether or not i want to stick to the simple face paint in the concept above, or go back to my original idea of a full face of colours like the upper right photo.
because it may be abit out of place, he looks settled atm in my opinion, but i would really like to draw away from plants vs zombies look.
any ideas?
everything else is great
Upper-right colourful one! Do it! It's going to be a a lot of fun for you to paint, I'll tell you that right now. And from the looks of it, it's not going to be all that thought intensive either.
If you did something like this, but just added colours to it, I think you'd have something awesome:
thanks so much for feedback man!.
I have only just brought this into zbrush, so its in really early stages, but im leaning alot more to a more realistic (yet still stylised) skull.
the reason for this was that the skin and head are both green, yet there is no skin on the head, concept fail >.>. so texturing like you said with a more realistic skull could be rad.
whats your thoughts?
1- it suits your concept more
and 2- i just think is looks stronger, however i suggest you sculpt out both interations
this is kind of what im trying to do at the moment in z brush, i may do a blend of the both.
no teeth but still definition in the jaw.
moving closer to the second shiloutte sketch i did.
Im super early in the sculpting stage, and i know his stance/spine is incorrect. i just would really appreciate some feedback on body and texturing. im open to every suggestion.
It would be cool if you continued the style of the knee throughout the body.
Kind of like this chiselled look? I dont know, I think it would match the overall style of what you have, but totally up tot you :P
i had tried doing this earlier and failed hard, but i decided i would give it another go after you posted your last response.
im really glad you did, because im liking how its startign to come along. (even thoguh it has been like 3 mintues of sculpting haha)
learn from your mistakes. :P
As for the arms you can just simply make them and connect them to the main sculpt via Dynamesh. =]
i really dont understand the intention of your post, im still learning, so if it was intended as an insult, i dont really care. but either way thankyou for your critisicm, i will post up some more screen shots when i feel comfortable showing my progress.
I convereted to Dynamesh at a high resolution extruded arms out and reverted back to polys. :P
It wasnt intended as a mockery, nor an insult. It was a complement. As in I see people coming here and saying that they want to be a game artist and not showing up again. You are actually learning as you go so I thought i'd give it a complement.
aww thanks heaps man, yer im going to take as much criticism as i can. im only going to get better on my own, but it will be a faster process if i get tips and pointers from other people that have similar intrests and ambitions.
I havent started scultping the arms or anything yet. this was just a screen cap to show i worked out how to put arms in :P
If anyone has any comments about noticeably wrong sections, please leave some feedback. i havent done any high detail stuff yet, but these rough poportions is what im thinking of going for.
any feedback appreciated.
I had a little bit of trouble with exporting the mesh to 3d coat, somewhere along the way i had lost the low poly mesh to the body, and 3d coat wasnt handling the amount of tris. (although it was roughly 2 million, and that should run fine). so just did a quick decimation master in zbrush and it worked fine.
poly limit is 12k-15k
The top of the mandible (more specifically the temporomandibular joint) should lie underneath the cheek bone (zygomatic arch) and not over it, unless it's intentional? It's looking a little odd at the moment. Solid progress throughout mate!
Edit: just a quick update, i will have retopo done by tommorow morning, and will Uv unwrap throughout the day, and hopefully start texturing. Screen shots coming.
Because of time restrictions I only had one Day to spit out my dif/nrm/spc and move on.
any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I am not a strong rigger, this is my second character ever. so sorry for the possible anti-climax of my character.
anyone know what this is, i have clicked the "?" and they seem to just stay in place when i try and spin them?