Hi, this is my first time on the forums so I'm new here also nice meeting all of you folks hopefully if you come across future post I make feel free to drop by and give me some CONSTRUCTIVE critism, this also means my first time ever posting (if I done something wrong then I'm an idiot Jk just correct me and next time I'll comply)
Anyway the character I'm designing on is one that is based on Chinese and Thailand Culture...she will be used as both a game and 3d art design for my personal use (for my portfolio actually and so I have a cool background:))
Pretty much she would be a sort of Goddess...an Empress...maybe a princess...naming character doesn't matter to me right now getting her done in 6 weeks is my concern before settling with the final detail of her character
but first off here is a reference sheet I pulled up quickly on photoshop

also a basic sketch and tone of the character's face

and first concept of the character's look (Excuse the art I'm still kinda novice right now)

anyway this is a WIP