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I've decided to... :)

To go on a little self improvement saga - I need people to go along with it with me; communion in activity inspires thought, creativity and dedication. When people act as a group they tend to be stronger than acting alone.

Basically I want to get a little group together - a sketch/friend/ well just generally good person group. Not necessarily a formal dA group but a group none-the less. Would anyone be interested in doing something like this? Maybe meet up on that ustream site or some other chat site and draw together? Have weekly (or monthly - depending on activity and outside work) topics and ideas and such (like one week do 15 gestures and 2 fully fleshed out figures); but start out small and build up to a more difficult routine like 2 landscapes a week or something. Really drive home digital painting and well just art progression in general and get some actual work done. And instead of thrashing each other on mistakes or just saying "nice" or "cool" actually take the time to comment on the goods and the bads - like a meaningful critique, not only saying how to improve but pushing the person to do more - if you catch my drift.

Any how - get back to me if you think it would be good or not - thanks for reading

I've posted this on conceptart, deviantart, here and CGhub. :) I really want to get my own little art group going

Deviant art Members so far -


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