Hi everyone,
I'm new here, starting a project on a game character, this is my concepts and colour pallet so far, any tips, and feedback would be well appreciated.
I think you should do more drawings. This character has some strange anatomy and I think if you went back and did more drawings where you explored different silhouettes you would end up with a character that was more interesting and appealing. Also try not to get caught up on rendering these drawings in photoshop, a simple line drawing on paper will do just fine.
No offence, but you're like the 5th guy with 1 post that posts a pic of a 'poorly' drawn character and wants to start a project. Are you guys somehow related, like a group of students or something?
Because if yes, you all realy should work on your anatomy. Before you start modeling this, I'd realy suggest to fix the concept art, it wouldn't make you happy to start from here.
There are a lot of students starting projects lately, me being one of them but i dont think that's the problem.
Also, no offense intended but when my teacher suggested this site to read and learn and get feedback, i did just that. I learnt from others feedback, then helped crit other people way before asking the community for help.
If you want to post on this website, better yet, if you want to succeed in the industry, you need to be an involved member of the community. Do not post here because you think you're forced to, do so because you genuinely want to improve.
@ Seirei - There are some schools that only teach 3d, and not really much 2d at all, and there are plenty of students who want to specialize in hard surface/enviros and not characters aswell. I think the point your trying to make is that the community here does not really appreciate people who just come here for only feedback on their work and ignore everything else. They want people who help others just as much.
I also think that even if you suck at anatomy and character design and you're never planning to do this as a job, at the very least trace a nice base human and do a bunch of clothes variations. The people here want to see that your open-minded and have gone through a process of reiterating and really thinking about your design. If you have that's fantastic post them up!
I like the idea of the character however im not a huge fan of the concept. the color theory is okay...very saturated in orange... play around with some dark grey metals as well, dont have all the metals being brass (too cliche for steampunk not ass realistic) Also you had the right idea by making it assymetrical as its more interesting however i think you have gone too overboard with it to the point where its less interesting... maybe mix it up and have the leg on one side hand on the other etc (not sure of the characters backstory so im not sure if its meant to be half and half)
a few ideas:
- Mix up the metal parts
- Write up a character sheet (build a story behind him, really helps with the design)
- Maybe add some pistons/valves along the limbs for practicality reasons.
- Mix up the silhouette, at the moment its just human in shape, by adding above mechanical objects the silhouette will be more interesting and a stronger design from that, this also applys to the mixing up of the body parts
Heres a quick paintover (for ideas) :
not much just some ideas
As previously mentioned, maybe have a look at anatomy more, the shoulders in particular, as darkleopard mentioned if your uncomfortable with sketching humanoid characters with proper anatomy atm then grab and image and overlay the clothing and robotic bits ontop i know a few professional concept artists that do this, saves time and avoids the issue of messing up proportions and the anatomy because even pros will make mistakes.
Great start so far!!! keep at it, and try not to let the negative comments get you down everyone gets em lookingforward to seeing this completed
Hi, i took your criticisms, and went over my concepts with orthographic again, and changed up the siloutte of the model more to give it a bit more steampunk feel, i also worked on a colour chart for them. (still thinking about making colours even darker to fit my idea more).
My ideas for a character story was to be a steampunk cyborg vampire hunter, who lives on the road, and doesn't stop moving, He is an adventurer, who spends a lot of time trying to find targets before he actually can, sort of like the hunters in the World of Darkness roll playing game, although more violent in his approach to getting information.
I haven't posted in a while, because of lots of distractions getting in the way.
I have finished work on the base model, still need to do a detail sculpt for the normal maps, and spent most of this week painstakingly UV mapping.
I had a few modeling discrepancies which threw off one of the arm at rigging time, so I had to make a few minor adjustments to the modelling, was not a problem in the end.
This week i put time into building a character rig, with controllers, I am happy with what i got for the main structure, but still need to set up a facial control system to control my bone face rig.
Because if yes, you all realy should work on your anatomy. Before you start modeling this, I'd realy suggest to fix the concept art, it wouldn't make you happy to start from here.
Also, no offense intended but when my teacher suggested this site to read and learn and get feedback, i did just that. I learnt from others feedback, then helped crit other people way before asking the community for help.
If you want to post on this website, better yet, if you want to succeed in the industry, you need to be an involved member of the community. Do not post here because you think you're forced to, do so because you genuinely want to improve.
@ Seirei - There are some schools that only teach 3d, and not really much 2d at all, and there are plenty of students who want to specialize in hard surface/enviros and not characters aswell. I think the point your trying to make is that the community here does not really appreciate people who just come here for only feedback on their work and ignore everything else. They want people who help others just as much.
I also think that even if you suck at anatomy and character design and you're never planning to do this as a job, at the very least trace a nice base human and do a bunch of clothes variations. The people here want to see that your open-minded and have gone through a process of reiterating and really thinking about your design. If you have that's fantastic post them up!
a few ideas:
- Mix up the metal parts
- Write up a character sheet (build a story behind him, really helps with the design)
- Maybe add some pistons/valves along the limbs for practicality reasons.
- Mix up the silhouette, at the moment its just human in shape, by adding above mechanical objects the silhouette will be more interesting and a stronger design from that, this also applys to the mixing up of the body parts
Heres a quick paintover (for ideas) :
not much just some ideas
As previously mentioned, maybe have a look at anatomy more, the shoulders in particular, as darkleopard mentioned if your uncomfortable with sketching humanoid characters with proper anatomy atm then grab and image and overlay the clothing and robotic bits ontop
Great start so far!!! keep at it, and try not to let the negative comments get you down
My ideas for a character story was to be a steampunk cyborg vampire hunter, who lives on the road, and doesn't stop moving, He is an adventurer, who spends a lot of time trying to find targets before he actually can, sort of like the hunters in the World of Darkness roll playing game, although more violent in his approach to getting information.
I have finished work on the base model, still need to do a detail sculpt for the normal maps, and spent most of this week painstakingly UV mapping.
If i have time later i will probably work on making a higher quality one.
This week i put time into building a character rig, with controllers, I am happy with what i got for the main structure, but still need to set up a facial control system to control my bone face rig.