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Polycount Podcast?

polycounter lvl 15
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Razorb polycounter lvl 15
Hey guys!

I had a little search on the forums and couldn't find this really being talked about, but wouldnt a Polycount podcast be AWESOME?!

A few possible topics:
1.Quick run down talking about the Friday Recap
2.Interviews with the sexy artists from the forums!
3.Tips and Technical advice for some common issues that appear on the forums?
4.Portfolio advice!
5.Talk about the art in a different game each week, ranging from old and new games!
6.Discuss why Max is better than Maya! PSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (jk)

I know Crunch cast exists! and its great! Chris does an awesome job! but I think it strays away from the topic on discussion with a lot of fun banter and like I said that is great! but I think a Polycount podcast with a slightly more structured list of topics would be awesome! as well as all the relaxed talk ofc!

Sorry if this has already been brought up in the past but I WANT MOAR POLYCOUNT FOR THE EYES AND EARS!


  • Skillmister
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    Skillmister polycounter lvl 11
    Yes, so long as it did a reasonable job of staying on topic for the majority. I mean i love listening to people ramble on about shit happening in the world as much as the next guy but there are limitless podcasts i can do that on so something a bit more focussed would be ideal.

  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17

    Edit: Posted a bit too fast, you mentioned it already in your post.
  • SaferDan
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    SaferDan polycounter lvl 15
    Yus! This would be amazing! I love the crunch cast but double podcast would be awesome!
  • System
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    System admin
    Some kind of weekly review which would end up being more critical and specific about the things in the weekly recap would be useful and no doubt insightful.

    This could either have some of the people present in the recap talking about their pieces (more useful for technical/3d work perhaps) Or just respected people offering criticism? Or a general "this works because of x, y and or z".

    I see little value in having a wishywashy production, gotta get that data and knowledge direct yo... but its how to go about that without being overly pretentious with what may be unwanted or condescending advice?

    Also, the host could possibly be using xsplit for some kind of livestream thing and talk about things that way, it'd be a nice quick way to make sure people are on the same page. I'm torn on the idea of portfolio advice as i feel like a lot of the time with that sort of thing its very easy to say "do it like this". The same old tried and tested shit, if your art isnt like the art in this kinda game... then no youre not at the level.

    But something lighter for a specific thread would be nice for people that arent professional and browse this place.

    Reviewing gameart would definitely be something that would be nice to have as i generally hate the tastes of people around here so you fuckers could do with some enlightening on styles.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Yeah the first and most important thing at this point is a good host, Chris does a great job of it on the crunch cast, it seriously takes some work, but you'll notice there is casts where the conversation is great, but other in which it was poorer, game artists aren't always the best speakers are most talkative people. It might be a good idea to pick some one the artists that did well on crunch cast to start off on the first 2 episodes. Also Chris says the hardest thing is finding people that commit.
  • skankerzero
    The toughest part about Crunchcast is doing it at the time we usually do it.

    Trying to coordinate with people in different timezones is not easy.
  • Skillmister
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    Skillmister polycounter lvl 11
    Jackwhat wrote: »
    Some kind of weekly review which would end up being more critical and specific about the things in the weekly recap would be useful and no doubt insightful.

    This could either have some of the people present in the recap talking about their pieces (more useful for technical/3d work perhaps) Or just respected people offering criticism? Or a general "this works because of x, y and or z".


    This is an awesome idea. Stuff that pops up in the recap often has no breakdowns or anything and it would be great to have a little background info to whats being shown
  • marks
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    marks greentooth
    I'd be down for this.
  • Jungsik
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    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
    I would totally dig rundowns of the recaps, interviews, tips from the pros, portfolio critiques !!!!!!
  • skankerzero
    One of the things we discovered with Crunchcast is that giving critiques usually doesn't work. It's a visual thing and podcasts are mostly audio. For those not watching the youtube, it would be very pointless and wasted air.
  • System
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    System admin
    Most of the things listed would really benefit from visuals though, a review of the items in the weekly recap would work on audio if you knew roughly what was being referenced ...or had it to hand but even then thats limiting as there will be times where you will use the words "that bit there...".

    Discussing games and their art would work in the same way, it'd be interesting but amplified all the more so by being visual, i think theres room for that sort of thing though and im all for freedom of education as opposed to shit like TAD, but its all about who can put in the time and when and the building a show around that.

    Probably 1 fixed host and 2 weekly guests depending on who was in the previous recap and work a week in areers? If its in areers people can post up questions and then shit can be picked from that. Discuss their favorite games/inspirations and then hone in on a distinct game and pontificate on why its good? - Problem with whats good in game/art direction is that theyre mostly common trends so that could possibly wear thin.

  • skankerzero
    The problem about talking about games and their art is that you're dancing around a touchy subject.

    It's a public forum and you can have that bite you in the ass if you are negative about anything.

    It's something we've discussed before and would rather not go down in Crunchcasts.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Neal Brennan - "Do my podcast is the new give me a ride to the airport"

    The worst thing you could do is post a thread about it. Just do it, and allow it to organically improve.

    skanker gives the best advice, though. Most listeners are audio only so you face a lot of challenges discussing art. "Oh did you guys see this? well you should" Nice podcast, boys.

    I just can't wait to get back to doing another CrunchCast. All our guys have been so swamped, bad timing, etc. Hell, I gotta fly to a wedding this weekend.
  • System
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    System admin
    I think there is a certain level of objectivity to art and its qualities end up with more accepted norms the more niche it becomes. So "game art" would have a degree of functionality/noise/conveying of message.

    But thats obvious right? I play games which are bad and im able to view them as such and still enjoy them, it shouldnt be that hard to detach yourself a little and assess them a least a little bit unbiasedly.

    Also, Starcraft2 has "State of the game" which started out as an audio podcast and has slowly moved to being appreciated in its video format with upto ~5-10k people viewing it live, granted theres a significant difference in community size however with state of the game there are very minimal benefits to viewing it in video format... yet people do.

    So with an art based "podcast" if the content was at a level where people were willing to watch something or dedicate a second monitor to it then i see no reason why a video format wont work... i mean, gnomon/eat3d seem to succeed and likewise, people here probably take their time to read gamedesign related blogs, so why not a video which is focused with no fluff?

    But yes, i do agree with the "JUST DO IT" policy rather than fishing for feedback on something that doesnt exist.
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