Hey all,
Just wanted to pop by and post my recently finished project. It's the Type 56 Assault Rifle used by the NVA in the Vietnam War. Made for the In Country: Vietnam mod for Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad
2048 Diffuse, Norm, Spec. Rendered in Max with Xolioul Shader II

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btw don't forget to switch that fire selector to full/semi auto - atm it is on SAFE position ;-)
Exploding for bakes doesn't take too much more effort, so it's not a huge deal for me. Might be tad quicker with mat id's, but I'm used to this way and it works for me.
Will rotate the fire selector later, but wedo have selectable fire modes in game. Obviously safe is not one of those choices
Tri count is about 8.5k with two rounds. Some room for more optimization, but it's not too bad considering other first person models in the game.
Makes the diffuse look a lot messier than it is, but there ya go
there's a fairly large indent on the lower reciever just above where the magazine enters, and there's also 2 little circular indents above that. There's also a series of 4 holes along the gas tube. I've circled them for you!
As for the gas tube, I meant to add them in. Must have just slipped my mind before calling it done :P
I've never really seen one with nothing, although they do vary quite a lot I guess. Although nobodys gunna notice except assholes like me
The following is wikipedia information, but I'd wager its accurate enough (source) - "Originally, the Type 56 was a direct copy of the AK-47, and featured a milled receiver, but starting in the mid-1960s, the guns were manufactured with stamped receivers much like the Soviet AKM."
So going by that, both types of receivers may have been used by the NVA, milled receiver ones perhaps more so than stamped ones.
Other than that everything looks spot on to me! Awesome modelling and nice material definition in your textures!
And another: Don't know when this is from though.
It doesnt really matter too much, imo. I'll probably add it in anyway when I add the gas tube holes.
Thanks for the crits guys, much appreciated.