Hi all!
This is a scene I started working on last week and have been working on during evenings here and there.
I got really inspired by Tor Frick's lab scene and the way he did it, so I thought I'd give that workflow a shot.
There aren't any real concepts for the scene, and I'm making it up as I go.
I've got my mass effect 1 art book lying next to me, so if you recognize any props, that's probably why.

The theme I'm going for is some sort of an observation/intelligence/communications outpost on an oilrig 50-100 years from now.
So far I've laid out the basic shapes and a few props.
The materials are still being heavily worked on.
I'm using a 256x512 for the scene.
I guess it's about time to call it done now.

Please let me know what you think!
Alright, I thought I'd make a quick breakdown of my workflow, and my thoughts on the project. What I've learned and what I could've done differently.
First of all I'd like to thank Tor "Snefer" Frick for inspiration and valuable guidance throughout the project. Huge thanks!
You can check out his thread here if you already haven't:
The first thing I did was to create a basic texture with bevels, trims, bolts, vents and things that I felt were going to be used frequently.
After that I started creating the material.
This was the most challenging part of the project. I got a working material up quickly that had all the features I needed except for one. And that was the ability to choose accent color and base color. Tor had a really clever solution to this, which I failed to implement.
Instead I came up with my own, which works pretty well! However, it uses an additional UV set, increasing the cost of the meshes. This is what I mainly feel I could've done better.
However, using my technique I could add a whole bunch of different accent colors in the same material by simply placing the UV shells on a designated grey square in my texture.
I ended up using just one for this project, but if I ever use this material again, I'll definitely try and utilize it to its fullest.
A quick run-down of the material and my workflow with it
UV1 was used for the normal map detail and ambient occlusion.
UV2 was used to apply decals.
UV3 was used to assign accent colors.
UV4 was used for Light Maps and the tiling noise texture.
Next up was designing the level. This also turned out rather challenging, causing me to start over from scratch a few times until I found a look that I liked and that felt different enough from Tor's.
I got a lot of inspiration from old Streamliners and luxury cruisers, as well as from Deus Ex, Mirror's Edge and Mass Effect.
Once I had the design, shapes and lighting set the rest was pretty straight forward. It was basicly just a matter of populating the scene and getting the scale to feel right.
Again, thank you
Tor and Polycount! This has been a very, very educational process!
(I will try and get a quick video run-through on my workflow up this weekend.)
I'd say maybe make some of the surfaces reflective? I feel like that would add a great touch. Also, a few mass effect style lens flares would work greatly here.
@deutschbag: All the areas are actually quite reflective, but they're not using a cubemap generated from this level yet, so it's a bit difficult to notice it. I'll play around with it some more to get it to pop. Thanks!
@Orangeknight: Yeah, I agree. The lighting and time of day haven't really been set yet, so it'll probably change. Got any ideas?
Are you using he same basic shader setup as Tor? Can you post your flats?
Id love to see flats and sizes of your textures as well as individual objects to. Your just as inspiring as Tor!
and this would be nice
Some yellows mixed some nice blues lower down.
Or even for a facility of that size, watertight doors?
I'm using the same texture layout basicly. Not sure how his shaders were set up, but I'm guessing they're very similar. I will post my flats when I get back home.
@Darkleopard: Thanks man! I really appreciate it! I'll post my flats soon.
@coots7: Thank you! I'm glad you like it.
@Orangeknight: Thanks for the ref! I'll play around with the lighting!
@ambershee: I definately agree with you! The exterior is just a simple blockout, and isn't really visible from these shots, but once I've added more stuff outside the windows it'll hopefully help sell the concept a bit better. I'm also working on props typical for naval outposts. Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it!
@SnaFuBAR: Cheers! Oh yeah, definately. I will be adding a lot more props, but right now I'm mainly focusing on getting the areas blocked out. There actually are a few fire extinguishers. One of them is attached under the sofa in the first shot, and another one is furthest down the hall to the left. But I hear what you're saying. I definately need to populate the scene with props. The lifeboat idea was great! Will definately try it!
Thanks for the feedback!
It's quite far from the original concept I had in mind, but I'm having a lot of fun playing around with the colors and lighting etc.
Still same as before. 1 texture, however I reduced it to 256x512 instead.
Here's where I'm at right now:
Why does orange and silver work so well together? Instantly makes it read as classy scifi. Good stuff.
I'm glad you like it. I'll keep working on it during the weekend and hopefully come up with a good composition and figure out what I can do to make it less of a corridor and more of a full environment.
I wouldn't go overboard with the detailing as I'm liking the fairly minimal sparse high-tech vibe. Maybe concentrate the detail to a specific area, like the windows or doors.
to join you.
I'm currently playing around with colors and ideas for the layout.
Here are a few new shots:
Haha, yeah, I'm kind of moving away from that on purpose.
I don't know whether I should make a new thread of ask to have this one renamed. :P
I know this was inspired by Tor's scene but right now I think its looking like just a copy of what he already did instead of using what he did as inspiration and making it your own. Hope you can inject some cool creative elements to make this stand out and look unique.
Since the remake I've moved away from the oil rig theme, and I'm going for a naval communications/research facility look. I guess I should change the title of the topic.
@OrangeKnight: Thanks for the link! It was an interesting read.
@Computron: Done and done! Thanks!
@Autocon & @OrangeKnight: Yeah, I definitely agree about it being very similar to that scene. I'm currently browsing through a few IKEA catalogues for some fresh inspiration.
Hopefully I'll get an update up tonight.
Currently working on the main lobby right now, but it's not enough to show yet. Will hopefully have some shots of it up in a few days.
Its starting to look different enough from snefers
Overall very nice work! You don't really notice the tiling or anything.
@Visceral: I have had Snefer's scene as a big inspiration, but I'm currently trying to step away from that look, and instead going for a more minimalistic environment. Thanks!
I did like the first attempts more though and it's a shame you've abandoned the oil rig idea as it could've turned out quite well with this modular approach.
Started working on the lobby/main hall area now.
This is what I have so far:
Yeah, the lightmaps are really low res atm. Havent reallt spent enough time on the lighting yet. Mainly been working on the design of the room so far.
Ill definitely try and push that Mirrors Edge look though. :-)
Thanks for the feedback!
Here are 3 suggestions that would look good IMO
1.) I would suggest in the lobby area in front of the reception desk, try adding some physical dividers that mimic a line/queue of people you might see in a typical reception area. Perhaps signs in the reception area to let people know what line they're in. I think this will also give great cover so players running on the ground floor of the lobby aren't sitting ducks. Off to the sides I would probably create simple waiting areas with chairs/couch and coffee/end tables that fit with the theme of the design.
2.) Also in the lobby area, I would make the elevator area rounded/half tube instead of square and flat, I think this will help keep continuity in the lobby area and will stand out a bit more to let the player know what's going on. On the 3rd floor in front of the elevator I would add a platform (half circle) so that players can exit either way out of the elevator at that floor. I think that would make a nice sniper's perch.
3.) Still in the lobby area. I'd suggest connecting the very top floors with a bridge/catwalk and in the middle add sort of a circular meeting area that's roughly the same shape and size of the reception area. Perhaps add a tree in the middle for cover and a few benches. Maybe above the tree add a skylight/dome that shines down onto the tree/lobby area.
ive had an idea for a lobby/main hall that is in the same sort of look like this for the layout, not the colours or statue in the middle i have other ideas for that, might use this for reference for the layout mainly.
Will definitely try the feedback out!
@coots7: It's actually both.
@snader: Yes, I agree! I'll play around with a few ideas. Adding platforms or tightening the space up a bit.
I made a quick lighting test.
Good work my friend, good work indeed.