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Detail & Texturing Advice?

Right, basically I have been modeling for quite a while and I've got a pretty good understanding of general modeling and the ability to create almost any shape.

(I use Maya)

Some previous work :- http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=92647

Now I want to expand, I want to learn how to texture and add details.

let's start with details, for example I have been working on an array of guns. I can build the general shapes yet adding the detail is an issue.

For example looking at this video :- [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jl51_3R8UyM"]3D--G36 FAMAS Low Poly Models - YouTube[/ame]

As you caa see on the weapons he has built a sort of layered structure of bolts etc. aswell as indents such as holes. Now I was wondering how can I add these details effectively?

using Floating geometry? I've heard quite a lot about that but I'm not too sure.

Now topic number 2, I don't simply want to have clay renders of my models, I want to be able to do some custom texturing to make my models look better.

I'm interested in learning UV Mapping to then import the UV's into PS to edit.

If anybody has any advice or tutorials please do post it.

Also I have recently started using Mudbox to experiment with as sculpting seems to be a very effective way for adding nice effects and change in geometry to my models.

An example :- http://www2.picturepush.com/photo/a/8046450/img/Anonymous/MudboxChair2.png

This is just started and a mere example if anybody would have a suggestion for Mudbox tutorials please do get back to me.

If somebody would be able to give me hands on advice using skype per se please add : jamilnanoshaukat.

Thank you.

- Jamil.
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