So after a looooong time of work-related things only I finally started something of my own, today.
The concept is based on the Mixamo contest but I'll have to see if I enter or not. Anyways - take that as the guidelines for the character.
Having said that: I don't call myself a concept artist, by all means. So please don't be too harsh on the wrong proportions and drawing mistakes. I originally didn't even want to take the concept so far but it simply was too fun to do. So here it is:

The missing hand I don't know what to do with, yet. Also I noticed already that the ellbow and wrist joints are twisted in the wrong direction.
Also this is the briefing for all those who don't know:
These femme fatales descend from the Eridanus Supervoid, a dark matterless sector of deepspace and ransack mining outposts for Helium3, equipment and machinery. Because of their harsh living conditions they often have artificial limbs and support themselves on whatever they can steal. They've just begun an attack one the of the largest Helium3 outposts in the system, if they can make it out alive they will live like queens!
- Female
- Space Pirate
- Artificial Limb
I'll try to start on the model the next days as soon as possible if work won't stop me.
Any criticism very much appretiated. I really want this model to be good as I haven't done any character model in way over a year. Let alone such a detailed one.
can you make a concept on that missing hand
On the Unity forums I got the Idea of maybe replacing the Hand with a blade, gun or better yet some sort of gunblade. I'll make a concept for the arm alone later as it's going to be attached to an artificial shoulder anyways (so the left arm will be cut off soon).
Here's the an Update on the model. I'd really like to have more time to iron out all the errors and areas I don't yet like. I'm afraid I won't have the time for that, though.
Since I've been getting a lot of critics on the boring kneepads I'll probably spice them up a little as well.
i'd suggest dropping down a couple of subdivisions and really focus on shape and form before you start carving into those details.
I've reworked the shoulders and also shortened the lower arm length a bit. Sine I'm really really running out of time it will probably have to do how it is now. I'll post the sculpt later on.
For now I've finally moved on to the arm.
Here's the concept, and part sculpt with a paint over for the hand:
I've retopologized everything and layed out the UV Map. Began texturing as well and here's the current status:
Now to the specular map and posing. Should I have the time I'll add a little environment. Since the deadline is on friday I doubt that, though.
The entry is finished and here's the final beauty shot:
Thanks everybody for the feedback
I've learned quite a bit again. Also it was a fun project.
@hawken: The contest gave a limit of 40k triangles so I didn't really restrain myself this time. You're right, though: depending on where it should be used it could be done in a lower budget, for sure