I have a good idea of the layout, a closed off area like a level from heavy rain with a police line at one end leading into a building. Lots of neon, overhead wires, flying cars all that jazz.
nice start, I like what you did with your concepting and planning. Bright lights and a nice reflections from the street. Cool, I'm looking forward to this
If you don't mind a slightly larger layout, maybe look into the Yakuza games on PS2/3 for reference - the Champion district is their equivalent of Golden Gai.
pavement comes in two flavours, straight bits and corners.
Orange blobs 4 and 5 on the right side of the map to show you the street layout there.
Laptop gave up months back and I've just now got new hardware so I'm back at this project..
Looking over dx11 tessellation right now but it seems kinda overkill as it makes so much geometry.
(UDK tessellation displacement material on a plane)
(3ds max displacement on a plane render)
Otherwise, Subscribed!
So far made the basic pieces, windows/doors/upper and lower building parts. First attempt at joining them together.
Obviously still needs additional props like air con units, signs and decals.