Sorry I'm rather new at Zbrush but I was working on this goblin model, it was fine for the first level of subdiv, then i used dynamesh once and my symmetry is all messed up. did i do something wrong?
With the current view it's a bit hard to tell if the mesh was even symmetrical in the first place. Some areas may appear to be more symmetrical such as the horns), but on closer inspection the one of the left seems much thinner while other areas are also off (the right shoulder being higher up).
Currently local symmetry is turned off, so it's going to be using the center of the top-most subtool. Local Sym would have it use the bounding box of the current subtool instead.
So what you'll want to do for a quick fix is turn on L.Sym (it's along the right shelf, and also under the Transforms Palette), and use Tool: Geometry: Mirror and Weld (along the x-axis, which should be the default setting). This will use the right half of the model and give you a perfectly symmetrical mesh to continue on with. If you liked the details on the left more and wanted to mirror those over instead, rotate the model 180' first.
Alright I mirror and welded and things are looking fine but its still messing up. You see how when i used the standard brush on the right side it pulled the mesh in on the left? Any idea what is causing that?
Currently local symmetry is turned off, so it's going to be using the center of the top-most subtool. Local Sym would have it use the bounding box of the current subtool instead.
So what you'll want to do for a quick fix is turn on L.Sym (it's along the right shelf, and also under the Transforms Palette), and use Tool: Geometry: Mirror and Weld (along the x-axis, which should be the default setting). This will use the right half of the model and give you a perfectly symmetrical mesh to continue on with. If you liked the details on the left more and wanted to mirror those over instead, rotate the model 180' first.
thanks for your help cryrid