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How to configure Wacom x Zbrush?

polycounter lvl 14
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NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
Hello I was getting mad at trying to configure the wacom tablet for zbrush but I am having non few problems ....

like when I use the central rod circle I wanted to configure those for the brush size , intensity , focal shift and zoom , but id doens't accept the Cntrl+right click ( for the kind of zoom I mean ) , cant configure different buttoms for having incremental steps for the up and down intensities of the brush etc ...

then is there any guide to help me configure the wacom at it's best practicity and comfort?
also can I make a radial menu with the most used brush types?

thanks a lot for any sugestion ...


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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    more in specific I woudl like to place in one radial menu the brushes , in one radial menu the deformations and severall other stuff but I can0t find any hot keys for those .....
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    I don't think you can hotkey an individual brush? If so, I just don't know how. I usually just have a toolbar with the 8 or so brushes I use most.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    I don't think you can hotkey an individual brush? If so, I just don't know how. I usually just have a toolbar with the 8 or so brushes I use most.

    ctrl+alt+click on the brush and hit a the key you want it to be mapped to

    i have mine mapped like in mudbox 1-0 are the most used brushes for me

    what apperently doesn't work anymore, but worked before (zbrush 3.5 i think) is mapping keys like ctrl+, alt+ or shift+ any key, i had quick material switches or alpha switches mapped to those before, but it doesn't work anymore.
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    I wanted to put the radial menu for the brushes and a radial menu for the alphas , but each time I reload zbrush I have to reload all the alphas , is not possible tohave them stick somewhere on the menus?

    Also how do I do to setup the sliders well? in the edit window to setup the + and - for example for the brush size I see + and - then I add -s0 and + s100 and I can only switch between the two using thr round selector on the tabled , but since this is a slider it shoudl work allowing me to select the whole range from 0 to 100 or 256 if I wanted ... how do I do to setup the slider as well?
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    go into the preferences, turn on user interface customization, when this is turned on you can use ctrl+alt to grab a tool and place it somewhere in your userinterface, while in customize mode you can't assign shortcuts. once it is done, you can turn off customize and save your new UI. it'll load on start
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks .....

    how bout the sliders?
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    you can drag and drop any element of the ui, the only thing you cannot change is the order of the menus on top and how they are structured when unfold or put into one of the sidebars.
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    but each time I reload zbrush I have to reload all the alphas , is not possible tohave them stick somewhere on the menus?

    put them in your zstartup/alphas folder
  • Trapd00r
    Pretty sure you can do this by having the Wacom properties set to keystroke and using - & = to Zoom in and Out, not sure if this is the Voxel type of Zoom or a Cartesian type of Zoom but it does not seem to effect the resolution. The brush sizes work by default being set to the keystrokes [ & ] just like Photoshop. I am working on the intensity and focal shift as well.
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