Hi all, don't know if anyone's tried UVing in 3D Coat, I like it a lot but on reimporting the UV'd mesh back into Maya I find the edges of the model are now split all over, as if I've created seams on every edge of the mesh. Here's an example:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v338/Blinnx/UV.jpg (You can see the thick lines representing seams)
I can go back in and just sew the cut edges back together but it becomes a bit of a pain when you have 5 bits of armor or organic pieces you need to UV and have to sew all the edges back together on import. I'm not sure if its to do with the import settings on Maya or more UV stuff with 3D coat - if anyone has had this issue and knows a workaround it would be great to hear it! Thanks
check your export settings in both apps for anything that might do it.