More or less finished with my high-poly, will be starting my low on Sunday. I am interested in using zbrush for weld seam details but I have no experience in the program, not even familiar with the UI. If I can't figure it out I plan on using filters and overlays in photoshop.
If anyone can provide me with helpful links regarding creating weld seams using either method that would be greatly appreciated. As always, critiques are welcome as well.
The last image is going to be used as a normal map overlay for the claw.

Your high poly looks nice and clean. Texturing that should be fun!
As for the welding I've been thinking of methods myself for the stake holders on my Jeep... Personally I'm going to try Zbrush since I'm more familiar with it. But I did find this thread of Racer445's work in which he mentions "a line of little smooth discs that have been bent into shape, then has two noise modifiers added: one for big warpiness and one smaller scale one." However I haven't gotten that method to work right for me yet, but I haven't put too much time into it either.
I have to ask, what do you guys mean by the edges look to tight? Just that there very right angled?
there's also this:
quick weld seams, nothing fancy to look at though
i'd be wary about the size of those welds, the details will probably get lost in in your bake (obviously depending on your texture size), but i'm sure they would be hardly noticeable at a game res. Personally I would exaggerate them more than what you have here to make sure they pop (or show for that matter)!
can you clarify the method you used to produce those welds?
im producing something in need for good looking welds aswell,and im just curious how you tacled this.. cheers
Regarding how I created the weld seams; I made one sphere, added turbosmooth/ffd3x3/noise then instanced a small set of them and then continued instancing that set along the entire seam. Obviously, I had to manually change some of them to keep it looking too uniform but the entire process did not take terribly long. I would say a little over an hour total. I am fairly happy with how well they came out even in the low quality bake.
As for the wire render, I have added some geo to the claw and various other areas since that render, I will get another wire with updated geo up soon.
Another disclaimer regarding the wire render, the geo on the hoses have been cut down considerably, going to pass out for tonight but I will update again tomorrow.
For now its off to my other work, look forward to any feedback I can get when I start my material.
Edit: Added a slight blur to the hand painted parts to soften up the edges a bit, not going to bother rendering again but just know its been fixed =D.
maybe you could add a bunch of small cavities and bumps to the normal map to make claws look more used.