Ok guys, after years of torturing myself over the fact that I can't draw anything more complex than a dot, I've decided to man up, stop complaining and get better.
I will be posting my horrible sketches at least once every two days and I hope that you will be able to offer me some help. I've been always struggling the most with the basics; perspective and lighting. I had thought that working with 3D would make my understanding of those issues better, but I'm still having massive problems with getting things onto the canvas. I guess the only thing I can do is practice.
So here's the first one; a quick sketch that took me much longer than it should have. Somewhat based on a random photo I found.

Tear it apart please :poly142: I'm hoping to gradually improve it, while making some other doodles.
( http://www.boxesdelivered.com.au/shop/images/uploads/cb300.jpg !)
On a side note, I wonder if someone could point me out to what would be the best approach to blocking out the major forms. At the moment, I tend to screw around with round and flat brushes set to low opacity and overlay multiple strokes until I get shapes that look somewhat decent. Next I try to flatten them up a bit, using the color picker and stronger strokes. This however is quite time consuming. I've been trying to use the Blur tool to simplify the shapes (similarily to how I would work in Zbrush/Mudbox with the Smooth/Flatten brushes), but that doesn't seem to work so well. Photoshop's Blur tool seems extremely weak in comparison and has barely any effect.
I will do my best to take it to page 5 and beyond! I've always found painting/drawing intimidating, but I finally understand what people mean when they say that 3D artists should practice their traditional skills. Just making these few shoddy doodles and getting out of my comfort zone gave me a few ideas on how to improve my sculpting and texturing skills.
fearian: Thanks mate
Here's another quicky doodle. Nothing special but I'm posting it anyway just to keep up my routine. I've been mostly trying to clean up my rendering a bit. I think it's somewhat better though I'm still spending way too much time fiddling around with the strokes.
Looks nice. Try and work on contrast a bit... More variation between planes would help, push the values more.