Hey all,
New character on the go:

Little character I dreamed up: works at a Tesco in Dalston, is fond of pigeons and those green recycling boxes.
Going to add a nostril crease as i forgot it before taking this pic.
I will take this one right the way through to a finished, textured piece.
He's a slightly different style to my last one and I quite like it so far- I took on board some of the things you guys said about the last one (for example, the ears). Here's the last guy:

if you have any comments or criticisms please throw em my way- characters are still fairly new to me so I am trying to soak up as much as I can.
Next up- Retopo
Not sure what else to say, what's your end goal with this fella?
End goal? At some point I'd like to rig them up and do some animating with them
test bake
work continues - i am going to fade that philtrum a bit in the normal map
decided not to let the work i did on the other guy go to waste, i brought over what i could into the texture for this one
will still do a tf2 style at some point but for now i'd love some crits on this texture...
as for the ears, ive actually not started texturing them yet however there's an issue- i flattened the PSD and saved like an idiot. have to start again
I would simplify and emphasize the colors