Hey all polycountians!
I updated my portfolio since I'm currently unemployed and looking for a job. So I would be super happy if you guys would check it out and give it some critique. If it's the content or presentation or anything else doesn't matter. Anything that stands in the way of me landing a job in the game industry, is important for me to know of.
Portfolio --->
also, for making this post not so boring, a selfportrait. Or it would be if I smoked and had a dog. Or looked anything like this guy. ;

CV / resume wise I think it could be improved as well. The best way to think about it is imagine you're the manager looking at 1000's of CV's. Eventually they start to blend together. Black text on a white background. So what can you do to make yours wake him up from his trance? Add some "tasteful" visual elements just to catch the eyes but not detract from the important wording.
I based my CV off someone elses back when I had a list of favourite portfolio's and I improved it. Feel free to download my doc if you like the style of presentation and make your own.
Hope that helps. I'll be keeping my eye on this.
edit: One more thing. Your cv says "I speak, write and read English fluently" but there are some mistakes such as "Get an job at a company" when you mean "Get a job."
About the resuume; didnt even think about it in that way. Thought it should be sterile and boring. But of course its true what you say. Im thinking about putting a tiny sketch in side where there is space. Or maybe do like yours, to have a transparant picture behind the text. I think that would look pretty cool.
I liked your website! It has a very strong visual design. I think it looks very good, with pixel font and everything.
And yeah going to fix that typo right now!
LMP: Thanks man for the crit. I agree totally. Im not very good at presenting stuff. I have to try to get more intresting lighting.