Am I missing something in Maya? I model in polygons and use edge loops to define my hard edges. Then do a smooth to get that sub-d appearance. Whenever I select my hard edges in Maya and preform a Bevel on it, it completely messes up my edge flow and gives me N-gons everywhere. But I also must ask, If you are putting a smooth on edge looped models do you even need to bevel? The smooth packs in those soft beveled edges where your edge loops are closely placed together anyways?
I guess I am just asking any hard surface Maya modelers what their workflow is like, and if they use any beveling.
Gonna go watch 3D motives hard surface modeling tut for Maya now and do see whats up.
If you're adding support edge loops to preserve your edges when smoothed, I'm not sure why you're also trying to bevel them. Having support edge loops should be enough, and is usually better cause you preserve you shape, but beveling comes in handy sometimes as well, depends on the context.
I almost only work with creasing instead of support edge loops these days, but that's mostly because all my models are meant to go to Zbrush afterwards, seems like a much nicer workflow most of the time.
When you say creasing, how do you mean? Do you crease edges in Maya or Zbrush? I assume you do in both.