Hey guys not really sure if this fit into the Skyrim Master Thread so i decided to create a new thread and post it here.
So im rather new to the Elder Scrolls modding scene, and have a few noob questions.
Im currently in the process of modeling some weapons and armour for skyrim, and was wondering what a good triangle limit is for a low poly weapon? Also for low poly armour? Also for environment meshes? Also for characters? (Just to make sure, Skyrim uses normal maps right?)
Does skyrim make use of a 1st person and third person weapon view system? What i mean is is the first person model of a weapon higher poly then say if you were viewing it on an npc or something?
Does skyrim make use of LoD?
Also what are good texture sizes to use for Skyrim?
As you can see im a little overwhelmed by it all, but it shouldnt take too long to get the hang of it and get up and running.
Here is a tutorial for armor if you don't already have it http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=3746
Yes it can use different third person models but only if you specify it to, and only for weapons/shields afaik. Should be able to find the flags by browsing around some unpacked files.
Yes it uses LoD meshes
Good texture size depends on your model, you could model a needle and put it into the game but you don't really need a 2k size map for that do you?. You could get away with 512x for something like a dagger, but might make more sense to just use a single 1k-2k size map and put multiple meshes on it (as long as they have similar material properties).
Good luck
I wouldnt have the first clue how to do that unfortunately
Ive only ever dabbled in modding Morrowind, and that was a long long time ago, so its not of much help anyway.
No problem biggest_kid, im not sure how things have changed with the release of the creation kit, but prior to that I was able to extract assets with the help of NIFtools.
Skyrim nexus often has good info
and this thread looked promising at a glance
failing that try plugging exporting Skyrim models, extracting skyrim assets or something similar into google and it'll get you started.
Now to learn how to import my own into the game haha, i was looking at a tutorial earlier today, it looks so unneccesarily complicated.
Anyway thanks for the help guys