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[CE3] Bioshock Environment Homage



  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 16
    Lookin' badass! Have you thought about changing"Rapture Mail"? I imagine some enterprising resident of Rapture would have taken over and named it differently(perhaps after themselves?). Bioshock has some interesting area names. :)
  • walklikethis
    looking swish scott.

    for the ceiling can i suggest something like this art-deco-ceiling-rose-ART08.jpg

    I think it could go well with the stepped effect you have going already, and that fan style also fits with the style thus far. just throwing it out there.
  • scotthomer
    @Grimmstrom - Heya dude! Thank you very much, I do get equal excitment when I see people comment on it, so I hope I can do your replies justice. You (and everyone else that has spotted it) are so right, the letters hanging out of the pigeonholes are shonky as hell, I made some quick bundles and stuck them in and never really went back to fix them up. That is currently top of my list of fixes. Thank dude, I do often frequent your thread, great to see how your environment is going.

    @Brygelsmack -
    Yeah you're right about the letters and the pipe does look alittle course in that shot (mostly because its the same pipes from the tunnel) so its getting a balance that works in both areas. Its all WIP at the moment anyway so id rather you point out obviously janky stuff now then when im done! Ill get those things looked at too! Cheers dude. :D

    @JMYoung - You're so right, I was trying to sell the idea of the pidgeon holes and I maybe simplified it abit much, im going to try and get some inspiration tonight and think and of good ideas for alternate names. The type face could also do with some work. Thanks man!

    @walklikethis - Cheers dude. I like that design, it doesnt really fit with the actual style of the room, this is a more plush, professional interior environment whereas that masonry would be more suited to a more architectural, stone area. Im trying to give each environment a different theme and look to try and get all the "flavours" of art deco covered in the level. Ill save the image and use it elsewhere though for sure! Thanks for the input dude.
  • scotthomer
    So...I am finally calling this thing done! I actually finished the scene over xmas, however I spent the months that followed putting together a comprehensive breakdown for the upcoming Vertex mag. Weighing in at around 30 pages long, hopefully it will go some way to say "thank you" for all your support and input during the project.

    Anyhow, these are the final shots:



    Thank you everyone! I cant stand to look at this any longer, so im happy its all said and done. Vertex should be coming soon, so thanks to Ryan for giving me the opportunity to take part.
  • mats effect
    Sweet can't wait to read the breakdown! Very nice work indeed, this has been one of the most awesome and inspiring projects on polycount for me (and I lot of others I would say).
  • Mathew O
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    Mathew O polycounter
    Ah these massive screenshots are great, you can really appreciate how much work has gone into things. Amazing work Scott :D
  • lucashug
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    lucashug polycounter lvl 6
    man!!! you really get the style of bioshock! Love it!
  • PogoP
    Offline / Send Message
    PogoP polycounter lvl 10
    Looks nice. The chromatic abberation is a bit too much though, and it's obscuring the images quite a lot.
  • Rurouni Strife
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    Rurouni Strife polycounter lvl 10
    This is going to be in the next Vertex??!!! Can't wait I've loved watching this thread and scene evolve.
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    great work! looking forward to the next Vertex!

    can you tell what topics you will cover specifically for cryengine3 ?
  • IxenonI
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    IxenonI interpolator
    nice work Scott!
  • KennyTies
    Great work man! The last image of the Rapture Mall is great. I look forward to seeing your breakdown in the next Vertex.
  • System
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    System admin
    this is awesome.
  • PhoenixWolf
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    PhoenixWolf polycounter lvl 9
  • scotthomer
    Heya people, so ive spent the weekend working on the Drift car scene, and I haven't had a chance to reply to you guys.

    PhoenixWolf, ChrisPerr, KennyTies & IxenonI - Thank you so much guys, It was definitely no mean feat getting everything finished, but im glad I did, i couldnt have done it without your help :)

    MM + Rurouni Strife - Thanks guys! I cant wait for Vertex either, I don't envy Ryan's task of putting together the book.:D I have been asked not to be specific about the article (so it is a surprise for y'all when it finally does come out) but yeah.. no clues im afraid, all I can say is that there is alot in there :)

    PogoP - Yeah point taken, I have turned that down about 50% across each of the images and will update the screens on this page asap. Thanks for the input man :)

    Mathew O - Ahaha the bigger the screenshots, the more obvious the mistakes are!

    mats effect - Thank you so much dude. There is so much I would change if i could go back and redo it, but I had to draw a line under it and move on!

    So yeah, once again. Thank you guys, wont be long now and you can see some more in-depth info on how the project came together.

    You can check out the first Vertex over at http://www.artbypapercut.com/!
  • Ben716
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    Ben716 polycounter lvl 10
    Really looking forward to reading through this! and it looks incredible, nice work man!
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