Pterodactyl - Basemesh to engine
Hey there guys i was just looking too get some feedback on a university project i started along side my final year project. Its been neglected abit and bit rushed because of my final year project taking up so much time this year.
The pterodactyl character is based off a combination of different Pterosaurs iv researched (and there are many!!) its scale is based on one of the larger beasts of the group.
The overall goal of the project is to take the character all the way from basemesh to a functioning bot in udk. At the minute im currently rigging with Cat, and its going ok... crtis would be most welcome and please be as harsh as you like :P

The Retop was rushed quick alot because of not having much time,

i tryed to reduce bad deformation by playing around with the weight tool and for the most part it has worked although there is still alot of room for improvement.

Same goes for zbrush if you keep using that matcap, If you want crits try just showing the sculpt with no diffuse, just the topology, just normal on retop and tidy up your first 2 presentation sheets. What am I looking at? Base mesh? Retop? White space? No need.
I can't really see enough vertical movement in the torso during the animation and the head motion doesn't appear to be influenced by the wing movement. Upper jaw movement is odd like its skinned too far forwards, i'd look at pelicans but I may be wrong.
If you want people to crit it, then loop it a bit and embed it in youtube, asking people to click through after looking at your thread requires them to invest more in your work, you want it to be as simple as possible for people to help you.