The new Plane Primitive in Mudbox 2013 has different uvs now. before there was no padding on the Uvs. I wonder if this is a bug or intentionally made this way. It could pose a big problem for baking tilable textures or textures in general. Im wondering if anybody is running into this. Somewhere along the way it messed up my mudbox 2012 plane too, now Im fukked lol.
The new select uv shells is semi useful, the selection does not transfer in flatten uv mode to unflatten mode. And when u select the uv shells, it does not reflect in the UV view, making it kinda flawed.
Useful Features:
The new Curve system is very useful as the curve actually follows the mesh and you can set the amount of snap to curve.
The new viewcube is very useful saves the time to have to access the object list to cycle through the camera angles. being able to go to perspective orthographic makes it good for painting, causes less distortion on angled surface when projection painting.
I believe if you unhide the tiling plane,s target (it's hidden by default when you create a tiling plane) you have a perfectly mapped plane. You can always export it as a plane OBJ and use that / import it whenever you want to paint / sculpt on a perfectly mapped plane, altho I am not sure if Mud is handling that particular mesh differently than the rest because Mud loves his padding for most things.
Hope it helps!
the standard plane never used the full uv space... double checked in mud 2011...
i use the select uv shell a lot... and to avoid the loss of the selection i paint on a second plane i imported (100% uv space)... this also works for curves...
[ame=""]mudbox 2013 paint hints - YouTube[/ame]
I cannot run Mudbox 2013 on my Asus N53SV Laptop :
VGA : Intel + Nvidia Geforce GT540M using Nvidia Optimus
OS : Win7 64bit
This is the error message:
Mudbox requires ATI or NVIDIA graphics.
Please click on this link: Certified Hardware for more information.
i have no problems with a 30mio quad char... but there are strange things goin on... you are not the only one with poor performance....
do you have the same slowdowns if you use no symmetry or "not" local mirror...?
When in Mouse mode (what i've always used and become used to) it appears that the tablet/pen cant recognise that its not over the viewport and treats all the menu items as the viewport. Right click and the hotbox pops over the menus..
Other problems I've had in the past with mouse mode was having to set the steadystroke to on but at 0 for the brush stroke to sculpt under the cursor..
Im hoping a hotfix will fix this viewport error as it seems to have come about only because of the new customizable layout (which i dont even customize )