Here is my low poly 2.6k polys. I already see a few problem areas. Just posting what I have right now. Comments appreciated. Also, I would like some input on creating spec maps. I'll post my maps in a min.
Ok so a quick method for getting a spec map that I picked up was to take the diffuse, desaturate, and play with the levels. I know this can't be correct so any help with that...or any of my texture pages/unwrap will be much appreciated.
Ok, so I decided to make a few changes to my model and I'm also going to try something different with texturing. I'm also trying to use marmoset for the first time but i'm having issues. Here is what it looks like on screen and the second image is how it renders. Anyone have any idea why?
Ok so this project is due today. Here are some screen shots. They were taken in marmoset. Let me know what you all think and i'll keep it in mind for future projects like this.
-super blocky right hand grip
-black stripes on edges (probably can be fixed by setting padding in baking options
to higher value)
-lack of optimization
-stretched texture on certain faces
-red stripe looks like it's carved in metal and it's almost glowing
-scratched areas seem to be too bright on diffuse map
Id say take a look at references for textring, it looks like its made of a completelly different metal.
Id say search the net for references and try to recreate it
the overall hue/specular of the gun is too high. Is should be much more concentrated. The whole gun looks like a shiny metal pipe. The scratches are so random, and some are quite large, keep them to areas where wear would actually occur
Damn man Nice update on the last render. I think you fixed what stood out as
the big issues.
I agree with Joopson though, about the polaroid preset. It makes renders a bit dull, and often hides a lot of detail. Hiding is not good
Maybe have a one more render that's a bit clearer as a good compliment?
Thank you all for the support. I agree with the Polaroid comments. I just started with marmoset the night before I turned this in so hopefully when finals come up i'll have some better renders and I'll post those up.
Em might be right, are your normals inverted? Either that or you just got a really rough bake. But those normals are hurting your model real bad.
And Gazu is right about the material. The frame of the UMP is made of polymer plastic, not metal Not sure about the magazine but it's most likely a blued metal so you should be good there.
Ok i went back and fixed stuff according to your recommendations. I'm not sure im seeing what you guys are talking about with the normals. I did see some overlapping stuff in the bake but I believe i fixed that this next go around. The problem might have just been one of the effects in marmoset. I redid the texture to try to match the polymer used for the gun. This is what i got so far with just a diffuse and normals, im using the diffuse for the spec too but where do you think i should go from here? Thanks again for the crits.
I suggest to post smaller images like half or so the size, this big is not just needed in my opinion and makes it hard to look at. And using the diffuse for specular is not really a good choice even for test then i think its better with no specularmap at all.
Do you have reference images for the UMP? If not, jump on google and see where and how those things wear, since plastic can be tricky (for me anyway :P). I'd build a whole library of reference so I have options to draw inspiration from.
Also, a little presentation nitpickery, my screen, and probably most other widescreens, are 1920x1080. Most fullscreen monitors are 1280x1024. When you output you models at 6400x3352, nobody on here is able to see any more than 1/3 of the image at any given point; it's like being in photoshop and zooming in 300%. Selecting "no enlargement" within Marmoset's output would probably make it easier for artists to critique and for you to upload.
Thanks for that alpha. I realized it but unfortunately have about 3 scenes I need to clean up and organize for presentation in the morning. =( ...i'll just say the owner had it custom made with no red =D
-super blocky right hand grip
-black stripes on edges (probably can be fixed by setting padding in baking options
to higher value)
-lack of optimization
-stretched texture on certain faces
-red stripe looks like it's carved in metal and it's almost glowing
-scratched areas seem to be too bright on diffuse map
Id say search the net for references and try to recreate it
the big issues.
I agree with Joopson though, about the polaroid preset. It makes renders a bit dull, and often hides a lot of detail. Hiding is not good
Maybe have a one more render that's a bit clearer as a good compliment?
Looks cool but your Material looks like Metal, H&K uses for his cases almost Plastic.
I think ABS Plastic but im not sure.
And Gazu is right about the material. The frame of the UMP is made of polymer plastic, not metal
But also the hard edges bake has errors
And i still think that the scratches are to random and flat
getting better al the time,
Good luck
sorry for the huge image i removed it.
Also, a little presentation nitpickery, my screen, and probably most other widescreens, are 1920x1080. Most fullscreen monitors are 1280x1024. When you output you models at 6400x3352, nobody on here is able to see any more than 1/3 of the image at any given point; it's like being in photoshop and zooming in 300%. Selecting "no enlargement" within Marmoset's output would probably make it easier for artists to critique and for you to upload.
go on
Dont know if you forgot it or just wip
The safety-button has red information signs (like your images overhead)